Chapter 29- Lost War

In a dark room...

Isaac looked at the place.

He tried calming down but he could not help it.

Fear enveloped him.

His eyes wandered around but he could not see anything since the place was dark...

Tap! Tap!! Tap!!!

Isaac looked up to see who the person was but he could not see anything, only a vague outline.

"You are the last person remaining. I would love to deal with you myself but my boss wants to see you and that's the only reason your still alive."

Isaac panicked, he began wondering who the boss is.

"Could it be William? No, William would not have fallen for their trap if he were to be the leader"

Isaac cracked his brain for answers.


A dim light shone in the room allowing him to notice the man in the room.

Isaac could only sneak a peak at the man's face. The man's eyes gave him the feeling that he was nothing in his eyes.

He tried speaking but his throat was a little parched since he had not drank water.

"Can you give me water?"

Isaac was a little uncomfortable to ask but
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