Call me Ishmael… Is what I’d say if my name mattered. But since no one knows or cares about my name, not even myself, I’ll just get to telling my story.
I was an average American millennial, with a job, mortgage, credit card, and friends on social media that I never saw in person. It was a good life.
One thing that set me apart from the average guy was my love of technology. Every minute of every day of my life was spent in front of a computer screen, working, gaming, reading, watching movies, listening to music, everything I did was done on a computer, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Now, if you are wondering why everything is in the past tense, it’s because I appear to have died. I’m not sure how, or why, but I am, without a doubt, deader than a doornail and without a corporeal form.
Looming in front of me in the midst of an infinite white void was what appeared to be a judges bench. It was well over fifteen feet high, with depictions of gods from the Norse, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Celtic, and various other pantheons that I didn’t recognize, carved into the dark wood.There were also some images of items that people replace gods with, such as money, power, or fame, but they were shunted to the corner of the paneling as if the gods were telling them to know their place.
“Next soul please.” A tired and slightly nasally voice came from the judges seat. I looked up to see a young woman with blond hair in her mid twenties with glasses at least an inch thick, working a computer seemingly plucked from the mid 90’s.
“Mr. John Smith?” The judge asked in a deadpan voice without looking away from her screen.
“That would be me, ma’am.” An older male voice who was standing behind me spoke up and gave the vocal equivilant of raising his hand. This seemed to catch the judges attention.
“Wait a sec.” The judge said, a NYC accent starting to appear in her voice. “Did you cut the line? Bailiff, did this soul cut in line or skip over other souls?”
“No, your honor.” The bailiff said ceremoniously. “As per your instructions, any soul caught cutting in line or pushing others aside have been sent to purgatory AKA working retail on Black Friday. This soul has neither cut in line or pushed others aside.”
“Well then who is he? Nevermind, get the pad.” The judge tapped the desk nervously as the bailiff procured a device to identify me. “I swear, if you're a mole from St. Peter, tryna to get me in trouble then I’m gonna…”
“Send me to hell?” I offered jokingly. The judge stared at me like I was an idiot.
“What? No. I’d send you to be Zues’ butler. He keeps asking them to hide his kids and look after them and Hera keeps frying ‘em. Last time I checked it’s rated #5 in the worst afterlife. Hell is #34.”
The bailiff finally found what he was looking for and approached me with a flat black square. “Please put your hand on the device and don’t take it off until I tell you.”
Since the bailiff was extremely tall, thin, serious looking, and looked and sounded like he might ask about a Mr. Anderson at any moment, I quickly followed his instructions. The pad device felt warm to the touch, but I didn’t see any reaction from it. However it seemed to send the relevant information over to the judge.
“Shit. Shit. Shit! This is bad. This is very bad! This is very very bad!” The judge started swearing and pounding the desk with her fist. Whatever the judge was seeing on her computer screen had sent her into a panic. “You’re not supposed to die for at least another fifty years!”
“Um, maybe you could send me back?” I hesitantly asked. There were more than a few tv shows that I hadn’t gotten to see the ending of yet.
The judge scoffed at my suggestion. “Sorry, pal. When you died, your body was obliterated. There’s nothing to send you back to.” She began swearing again, and took a swig from a flask that poets would’ve said contained ambrosia but smelled like cheap whiskey.
Eventually the alcohol took effect and it seemed to cool down the judge a little. Now instead of swearing incessantly, she was just glaring at me while tapping her desk as she contemplated her options. The bailiff was the one who broke the silence.
“Your honor, would it not be most efficient to simply shred the errant soul or toss it into oblivion.” The bailiff said that with no emotion towards me, simply speaking as if I was bread that had gotten a little moldy.
“Efficient!?” The judge shrieked out. “Do you know how much paperwork is involved in shredding a soul?!” She snapped her fingers and a literal mountain of paperwork the size of Mt. Everest appeared behind her. “Does that look ‘efficient’ to you, Bailiff? No, the only thing to do is reincarnate this soul and hope he doesn’t pop back up when the boss is here.”
After another snap of the fingers, the paperwork vanished. The judge then turned to me with a scowl. “You, what do you want to reincarnate as? Only rule is that you can’t die for at least a couple centuries. That’s when the boss get’s back and I don’t wanna be around when he realizes I skipped out on the paperwork.”
A couple options popped up in my head. There were a couple different species of trees and reptiles that lived that long. But then I remembered that it was questionable if Earth would make it a couple more centuries, so I mentally discarded those options. The only other options on the table were from fantasy, but since this was how a lot of anime started I decided to take a chance on it.
“Maybe you could reincarnate me as an elf? They usually live for a pretty long time.” My suggestion did not get the reception I was hoping for. The judge started snickering, then full on laughing at me.
“Sorry, pal. Have you seen your browser history? Your soul is nowhere near pure enough to be made into an elf! But I like your thinking. So I’m sending you down as a dwarf, and to make sure you don’t come back for a while I’ll pump a little extra power into your soul. Just be aware that it puts you at risk of having your soul be devoured and will attract monsters. Buh bye now!” The judge slammed a button on her keyboard and the floor opened beneath me, causing me to fall into an infinite black void with a cartoonish scream of panic.
Related Chapters
Reincarnated as a Dwarf A New Life
I was reborn into the body of a baby dwarf. Not exactly the best afterlife experience out there, but it was still better than anything written about by Dante, or talked about in Sunday school. Needless to say, it was an extremely jarring experience, going from a fully ambulatory and rather strong adult’s body, to an infant who couldn’t even hold up his own head. However, it was better than having my soul disposed of to avoid filling out the paperwork for an errant soul. The name I got saddled with upon my rebirth was Kvalinn Ekgorsson. It didn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but it could’ve been worse. Occasionally I’d overhear my father mention people with ten syllable names in passing conversation with his friends. Those were names I most certainly did not want to have attached to me, spelling them would doubtlessly be a nightmare!As for the language, I learned the same way any infant learns. Papa, mama, baba, ect. Although unfortunately I didn’t get to use the word ‘mama’. Apparen
Reincarnated as a Dwarf Meeting other dwarves
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Reincarnated as a Dwarf First classes
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Reincarnated as a Dwarf Advanced Classes
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One Grueling hour of training later, an hour that seemed to last for a week, I stumbled out of Advanced Combat class with multiple knicks, bruises, and at least one new scar that would hopefully make for a fun story in a few decades, and began making my way to my next class. Bekhi had gotten better with her weapons after visiting her family and the result had been an unrelenting assault on my shield that made me wonder if I should just forget about trying to use my weapon altogether in a fight against her, and just make myself a shield with a star and stripes.My next class for the day was Rune Theory with Elder Thrikrondromm. I wondered as I entered the classroom, if he still remembered me. After all, we hadn’t seen each other in at least five years.“Kvalinn Ekgorsson!” Boomed the angry voice of Elder Thrikrondromm. “Get here and shut
Latest Chapter
Home again in darkness
“Good morning, Kvalinn. Ready to go back to school?” Bekhi seemed to be back to her normal self, and was washing dishes in her usual outfit. “How are your burns doing? Think you can make the trip back down to Nurnwuhr?”“I’m feeling a little better, but I’m not looking forward to three days of walking.” I was still feeling very stiff, and my hands were wrapped up with burn ointments, so the trip back home would probably be very long and very, very, miserable. “No need to worry about that.” Dak walked into the kitchen with a traveling bag on his back and weapons strapped to his side. “As thanks for making the weapon, I’ll be paying Kholgaik to let you ride on one of the wagons.” “Why do you look prepared for a trip, Dad? Are you going down to trade food for mead with the humans down the mountain?” “Not this time, Bekhi. I’m going down to Nurnwuhr with you and Kvalinn. I’ve got to explain to Kvalinn’s father why his son is coming back burned and unable to work. Plus, I’ve got to repo
Going back home
It wasn’t until the next morning that I woke up again. By that point, I was the only one who hadn’t recovered enough to be taken from the tavern, so I woke to see the dining room completely empty.“Hello?” I tried getting up from the table to see the room better, but was hit by several waves of pain from my back. Judging from the sensation, the burned and damaged skin around the rune of protection was still working on healing itself, and since the rune covered most of my back, there was a lot of skin to heal.“Kvalinn!” Bekhi scrambled up from the cot she had been sleeping in nearby. “Get back down or you’ll move the poultices!”I gladly followed her instructions, and let my head fall back onto the waiting pillow. I could feel Bekhi moving any of the
Snow Wraiths, pt2
As I struck the final blow, and sang the final note, a pain unlike I had ever felt in this life radiated from the rune of forging. It was as if I had stuck my hand into a bucket of dry ice, with spikes of pain encapsulating my entire hand instead just the rune lines. It was so painful, that my voice cracked as I yelled in pure agony.“Kvalinn!” Dak rushed from where he had been guarding the door to check on me. “Kvalinn! Are you ok? What happened?”“N-never rush a f-forge song.” I croaked out, my throat evidently hadn’t recovered from the shout. “Help me up. I need to make sure the rune was successfully applied.”Dak and Grildem supported me as I looked over the hammer. Fortunately for our continued survival, a rune of fire was glowing on the head of the warhamme
Snow Wraiths
I was awoken the next morning at dawn by one of Bekhi’s brothers. I was expecting to be taken to the barn for chores, but instead, Dak met me by the front door. “Good morning, Kvalinn. I’ve arranged for you to use the local forge today. So go grab whatever you were writing yesterday and get ready to fill all the requests we made. And remember Bekhi’s warning. No making anything that’s not a weapon! Humbart doesn’t need any more help in the kitchen of The Halfling’s Haven.” For a minute, I wondered how he had arranged to use the town smith when it was still pre-dawn, but then I remembered that he had sent one of his kids on an errand yesterday after dinner and that’s probably when he sent the message. I went back upstairs to get my notes of everyone’s requests. Each member of the family seemed to want a different weapon with a different rune so it was going to be a long day. Just as I was putting on the several coats that were being lent to me, the door burst open with a bang that
Goblin attack, again
On the second day of travel, when we were halfway to Vesturhildrun, we were attacked by goblins. If there had been any landmarks on the featureless gray walls, I would have suspected that it was the exact same place we had been attacked last time. “Goblin attack!” Came the loud cry from the guard who was tasked with listening for their scratching claws. “Goblin attack! Ready your weapons! Protect the mole-mules and Kholgaik, we don’t get paid if the cargo doesn’t make it!” There was a loud clattering as the twenty guards prepared their shields and weapons and got the wagons into a defensive position. I had a short sword this year, but this time there was no magical rune on it so I’d have to depend on my training. Bekhi expertly twirled the hammer I had given her and grinned in anticipation at the upcoming conflict.
Dark Tunnels
“Good morning, Kvalinn!” Bekhi waved to me cheerily from the wagon train. “Do you have any more fun weapons for me? Maybe something with a little more heft than last time.”I handed her the hammer with the Rune of Travel on it. “Not sure what it does, but it’s at least heavier than the hammer of strength.”Bekhi gave the hammer a few experimental swings before strapping it to her side. “It doesn’t explode or burst into fire, so that’s a point in its favor. Can’t wait to see what it does!”“Hopefully we will not find out on this trip.” Kholgaik, the boss of the expedition again, strode up with his usual dour face. “The goblins have been especially active lately, and several trade caravans have been attacked recently.”
A trip to the surface?
“That will be all for today. Next year will be your final year, so prepare your best work for our inspection. At the end of next year, you will be presenting your work to the Thane himself. Do not bring dishonor upon your teachers or this school by displaying inferior work.” Elder Rongrim sat down at his desk and began working on paperwork.“Yet another year over, and another year where you barely stay out of trouble.” Zikruk put away his school supplies with a sigh. “I was sure that you’d be exiled over that last rune you made. The Rune of Insomnia that kept everyone awake for three days straight had both the Elders, and the rest of the town calling for your blood.”“I don’t know. It may have been torture, but at least it was productive torture.” Bekhi weakly defended me. She had spent the three sleep
Back to school
“Goblins grog, Kvalinn. You look horrible!” Zikruk looked at me with shock and surprise as I slid into my desk chair with an exhausted thwump. “What happened on your trip to the surface?!”“It wasn’t my trip to the surface.” I sleepily started to unpack my school bag. “I forgot to prepare the gifts for the Elders until last night, so I was up all night working.”“Are you ok, Kvalinn? It’s not like you to not prepare for today weeks in advance.”“I’m fine, and more importantly, I had lots of delicious food while on winter break.”Fresh eggs, fresh meat, bacon, smoked ham. Mhmmmm.“Really?” Zikruk looked at
Trapped by snow
The next few days passed peaceably. The storm kept up unabated so we were prevented from doing much more than sitting around the fireplace and eating meals. It felt very odd for me to be inactive for so long, since my father and I worked pretty much non stop from dawn till dusk, but it did feel nice to take a vacation for the first time in this world. “Are your bags packed, Kvalinn?” Bekhi was waiting for me in the kitchen on our last day in Vesturhildrun. I nodded, expecting that we would be leaving momentarily since the trade caravan would be going back home soon. But Bekhi just told me to put my bag by the door. “We need to be ready to go the second there’s a lull in the storm.” “But won’t we be late to meet Kholgaik at the surface door? Is he going to wait for us?” Bekhi just shook her head. “Nope, but this i