A lone sheep among wolves

Ezra slowly clambered back to his feet and dusted his clothes, ignoring the threats from the bandits around him.

“Are you deaf, pretty boy?” one of the rogues yelled. “Did you not hear what our boss just said?”

“I heard him all right. I just don’t give a damn,” Ezra snapped back at him, his eyes gleaming with rage. “Get the hell out of my way unless you want to go back home in a wheelbarrow.”

“You son of a gun!” One of the younger bandits corked his revolver and prepared to shoot Ezra in the leg when their leader stopped him.

“Calm down, Willy. This one’s an angry young boy way over his head.” He chuckled, staring at Ezra from head to toe. “Judging by your clothes I’d say you are quite well off. Probably a noble, eh?”

“I’m a Gunner,” Ezra replied curtly.

“And which noble family do you belong to? I reckon your wealthy parents will pay good coin to see you alive again?” The bandit leader stepped forward and pulled back the bolt of his rifle. “My name’s Harwin. What’s yours?”

“I don’t ha
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