Attack on Silver Springs (3)
As Ezra and Tanya entered the crypt, the doors slammed shut behind them, closing off their only exit.

The Crypt of Reilor was the final resting place of the deceased from the Reeves bloodline and had been protected for generations. But now that Zepheroth had been freed from his eternal prison, his dark influence had cast an evil shadow on Valaria, corrupting the lands.

It was still a mystery how the undead had managed to infiltrate the crypt and turn it into their territory, but Ezra was determined to wipe them all out.

The Crypt of Reilor was built as a two-floor setup, with the first floor containing the ‘Chamber of Offerings’ and the bottom floor leading to ‘The Burial Chamber’ and ‘Chamber of Spirits’.

As Ezra and Tanya took their first steps upon the cobbled floor, a foul stench wafted toward them, choking their nostrils. It smelled like something had recently died here and was left to rot for several days.

Tanya retched but covered her mouth and nose with her hand to prevent hers
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