Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Lord Wilhelm’s cunning plan was going to nab him two birds with one stone. Lady Tanya was already bound for Aranor along with her father, Count Gressil, and once they were within the town’s walls, Ramel and Jasenki’s men were going to take them hostage.

So far, Lord Wilhelm had advised his companions to keep Ezra alive because they needed him to lure their prey. But now that Lady Tanya was within their grasp, they could dispose of him at their earliest convenience.

Ezra was simply too dangerous to be kept alive, and since he was essentially an orphan who did not have a drop of noble blood in his body, no one would bat an eyelid when he was executed.

All the other nobles and merchants supporting Lord Wilhelm also wished to exterminate the Romanov Bloodline, save Ramel, who had already joined forces with the cultists and been anointed as Zepheroth’s chosen Initiate.

At one point, Ezra was hoping he would be able to steal the keys from one of his captors or bribe one of the guards there,
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