Letters of deception
Ezra was concerned about his own situation, but he was more worried about Aurelia’s fate. The last he had heard, Lord Wilhelm had sent assassins after her, and there was no way for him to know if she was still alive.

“I just want to know you are okay, sister,” Ezra mumbled in the darkness, his voice stifled with grief and his face dripping with sweat.

As Ezra was thinking about Aurelia, he remembered the enchanted mirror she had given him. Since she had its twin with her, all Ezra needed to do to contact her was shatter the mirror or stain its surface with dirt or paint. That would let her know he was trying to reach her.

Ezra was about to access his inventory and use the mirror when he realized it might not be the best idea to reach out to her in this situation. If she knew Ezra was being held inside a dungeon and Lord Sebastian had been murdered, nothing would stop her from returning to Aranor.

“No…I won’t let you put your life on the line, sis.” Ezra shook his head, sweeping his th
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