Lady Tanya’s trump card
Count Gressil held Ezra’s shoulders with a fatherly embrace and promised him they would avenge Lord Sebastian’s death.

Ezra nodded silently, expressing his gratitude with a half-bow. Now that Aranor had fallen and the Morelises were in power, Ezra did not have too many well-wishers in this world. But Count Gressil’s unwavering support assured him that he wasn’t alone in this fight.

“I need to have a word with my informers. You are welcome to stay with us for as long as you like, Lord Ezra,” Count Gressil said before taking his leave and walking out of the room with his most trusted Elite Guard.

Soon after, Glenn took his leave as well and promised to return in the evening. For now, he had to return to his house and make arrangements to recover his strength and replenish his magic.

Only a couple of knights remained outside the room, leaving Ezra and Tanya in each other’s company.

If things hadn’t taken such a drastic turn for the worse, Ezra would have cherished the opportunity to spend
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