Proof of identity
Ezra thought his passionate reply would move the person standing on the other side and convince him to support his cause, but the mage laughed at his words.

“Lord Ezra Romanov! Come to save the day, is it?” the mage mocked. “I cannot believe one of you would try such a pathetic trick on us. But we are not fools here, you sly bastard.”

Ezra was shocked to hear the insults hurled at him. He had expected a warm welcome since his father always said the mages from the High College of Mysticism were on good terms with his family, and the Dean of the college, High Mage Ignacious Alavore was a close friend of his father.

“What is the meaning of this? I thought you held my family in high regard and had promised to aid us in our time of need!” Ezra retorted in an authoritative voice.

The mage on the other side of the wall cast Magic Flight and flew over the wall to have a look at the person who so desperately wanted to get through.

“So, you are the little fledging they sent to trick us?” he aske
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