The Mages’ College
The High College of Mysticism also commonly referred to as the Mages’ College of Valaria was a towering white skyscraper situated right next to Lake Lorana. It was an ancient structure built during the reign of King Rudeus Gerlaine and had produced some of the finest mages in the country.

Whenever a child displayed an affinity for magic, but wasn’t born with magic talent, they often grew up to either become sorcerers or train to earn the title of mage.

The main difference between mages and sorcerers in this world was that the sorcerers had to swear allegiance to a deity of their choosing and sacrifice their most precious possessions to earn their magic power. Meanwhile, mages weren’t sworn to any deity and derived their power by acquiring knowledge of the arcane through books and manuscripts.

Another major difference between mages and sorcerers was that sorcerers expended the magic power flowing through their veins to cast spells and had access to several different types of magic such
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