Undead at the gates
The loud pealing of the brass bells warned the townsfolk and alerted all the Gunners and patrolling guards. People shut themselves up inside their homes, closing off all doors and windows.

The merfolk followed their natural instincts and dived into the river to seek refuge in its murky depths. They deemed hiding inside the river a much safer option than cowering inside their shoddy bamboo huts.

Meanwhile, the dwarves retreated deep inside the coal mines and barred the entrance with wooden planks. Ivan had already been preparing for such a situation for months by building underground tunnels through which they might escape in the event of an attack.

Hearing the bells, Lord Sebastian ordered the Gunners to reinforce the northern and western gates.

Aurelia climbed down from the watch tower and reported to her father at once.

“What are your orders?” she asked.

“We should focus purely on defense for now,” Lord Sebastian replied. “The walls of Aranor will hold against a few skeletons and ne
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