Auction event 2

Ashu entered one of the city's inns and showed the auction house's business card. The innkeeper, seeing the auction house's business card, immediately took Ashu to a room on the top floor, usually used by nobles.

In his room, Ashu lay down, his leg resting on the other leg, and moved while he thought.

"What are you thinking about?" Wu asked.

"Nothing, I just can't wait to become as strong as before," Ashu said.

"Even if your cultivation increases, it's impossible for you to immediately rise several levels and be at your previous cultivation level, just being able to break through two levels is already good for you," Wu said.

"I know, everything requires a process. But I can't wait to slaughter them one by one," Ashu said.

"Slaughtering them doesn't have to wait until you're strong, you can make potions, you can also make pills, after you're famous and many people admire you, you can pay them back slowly," Wu said.

"You mean?" Ashu asked.

"After you soak and absorb the spiritual animal's heart essence, you can raise your cultivation level, even though it's not much, it's strong enough for you to take care of yourself," Wu said.

"With the rest, you can make potions and pills to sell, and with your name being famous, you can find their whereabouts one by one and slaughter them subtly," Wu continued.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Wu asked, receiving a nod from Ashu.


The next day, Ashu was given a special place in the front row. Old Grandfather Cu seemed to respect him very much. All the invited guests from the upper class had arrived, and the seats that had been empty when Ashu arrived were already full.


The bell rang to signal that the auction was about to begin. Wei, who was in charge of the auction, glanced at Ashu from time to time.

"Welcome to our auction house, the auction that is held regularly every 5 months is officially open," Wei said.

Applause, applause, applause.

The applause continued, but Ashu, hearing it, did not clap and remained silent.

"We open it with a mysterious box, taken from the ruins of Arkasa, a place guarded by terrible monsters," said Wei.

"We open with 15 gold pieces," Wei shouted.




The prices continued to rise. Ashu, hearing this, just shook his head, just a box inside didn't necessarily mean that there was something valuable, he thought.

"Let's move on to the next auction, the Water Dragon Clan's beauty potion is up for bid at 35 gold pieces," Wei shouted.

Ashu was surprised to hear the Water Dragon Clan mentioned again, the beauty potion was a potion he had brewed himself and he was the first to make it, how could someone else sell it in the name of his clan?

"Calm down," Wu said.

"I'm trying to calm down as well," Ashu said quietly.

Seeing the beauty pills being sold for 20 gold pieces, Ashu clenched his fists, he didn't know if the ones being sold were really from his clan or not, but that price must be too cheap.

One by one, the auction items were sold, the only ones that did not sell were faded stoves without motifs, the nobles were not interested in stoves that they found so ugly.

After the auction, Wei took Ashu to his father. Wei left Ashu alone with his father, as his father had instructed.

"You saw it, didn't you? Your three spiritual animal heart cores were sold for 80 pieces of gold each, and there are 225 pieces of gold in here. I took 15 gold pieces as a tax," said Old Grandfather Cu.

"Isn't that less?" Ashu asked.

"It's enough, after all, you need herbal ingredients for your teacher," said Old Grandfather Cu.

"Then I must thank you, I will also ask my teacher to remember your service," Ashu said.

"No problem," said Old Grandfather Cu, feeling happy to hear Ashu's words.

"I want to buy the stove that wasn't sold earlier, tell me how much it costs," Ash said.

Old Grandfather Cu immediately looked at the stove he had not sold earlier. When he looked again, the stove was already so ugly that no one would buy it.

"What if I just give you the stove?" said Old Grandfather Cu.

"Are you sure? Won't you feel like you're missing out?" Ashu asked.

"Of course not," Old Grandfather Cu said with a smile and handed the stove to Ashu.

"Then I'll take this, I'll ask my teacher to remember your kindness," Ashu said as he walked away.

"Be careful on the road, if you want to sell something, come here," shouted Old Grandfather Cu.

Old Grandfather Cu felt very happy to be able to make Ashu indebted, his plan was even smoother than he expected, he just had to wait for Ashu to come back and give him something.

"Dad, where is the stove that wasn't sold earlier?" Wei asked.

"Why are you asking about that crappy stove?" old grandfather Cu asked again.

"There is someone in front who wants to buy the stove for 300 gold coins," said Wei.

"Haaaaah, what!" Old Grandfather Cu immediately trembled.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Wei asked.

"Father gave him the stove for free," Old Grandfather Cu said.

"Dad," Wei shouted as he shook his head and walked away.

Wei rushed out and told the person that the stove had been sold, and when he saw that the 300 gold pieces were not in his pocket, he went in weakly.

"Excuse me, is the stove still there? I want to buy it for 500 gold pieces," said the man who suddenly stood in front of the entrance.

Wei held his face, he was shocked to death, earlier it was 300 gold pieces, now it was 500 gold pieces, what was his father thinking, throwing away 800 gold pieces just for someone he didn't know.

"Hahahahahaha, when I saw the woman's expression, I knew she was shocked, the 300 gold pieces didn't end up in her pocket," Wu said. Wu deliberately wanted to prank old Grandpa Cu to make him regret it.

"Heeeeh, he says he's old, but his behavior is no different from that of a child," Ashu said as he walked away.

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