Auction event

Wu stood and looked at Ashu who was still holding his sword, just one look and Wu knew that the sword in Ashu hand was the Underworld Sword, of which there was only one in the world, and this sword should not be in the hands of a teenager like Ashu, no matter how strong he was.

"I'm very curious about you, I thought you were just my chosen one, but it seems like your destiny is more complicated," Wu said.

"If I told you I was reincarnated, would you believe me?" said Ashu.

"I believe that reincarnation is real, even though I have never experienced it, so is it true that you have been reincarnated?" Wu said curiously.

"Right now, the body I am using is not my body, I am actually Ashu, the leader of the Water Dragon Clan, whose members were completely massacred," Ashu explained.

"I know this must be hard for you to believe," Ashu continued.

"I believe, from the way you treat wounds and your attacking movements, I can sense that you are not a beginner, you are all very experienced, which also makes me believe that you can hunt the spiritual animal heart essence here," Wu said.

"Since I've told you my secret, you should also tell me why you made me your disciple," said Ashu, who was suspicious from the beginning.

"I still can't tell you, but it all has to do with revenge, that's why I chose you," said Wu.

"Hmmmmm, with the help of potions and spiritual heart essence, plus your daily practice, it shouldn't be difficult to get your old strength and training back, right?" continued Wu, changing the subject.

"Sure, it's just that I didn't have a weapon before, against a Spiritual Beast over 5 with just the claws you gave me, it was impossible to win," Ashu said.

"Now that you have the sword, what are you waiting for? You can hunt for as many heart cores as you can, and sell the rest to buy herbal ingredients to make potions and ovens. I can't wait to see you soaking while absorbing the heart essence, your cultivation will definitely improve rapidly," Wu said.

"That's right, I can't be lazy, there's still a grudge that needs to be avenged," Ashu said, clenching his fists.

Wu stepped back into Ashu's body and saw Ashu full of enthusiasm. Wu was very happy because his goal was to make Ashu very strong.

All day long, Ashu hunts for the heart essence of spiritual animals. With the help of his Underworld Sword, he can easily kill spiritual animals, but Ashu also uses strategies to kill level 8 and higher spiritual animals.

High-level spiritual animals can reach level 12, and the higher the level of the spiritual animal, the faster it can improve its training.

Haaaaah, haaaaah, haaaaah.

Ashu's breath was short from exhaustion as he continued to hunt non-stop, even though it looked very easy with the help of his sword, his strength still had limits.

"Only 6 collected," Ashu said as he leaned under a tree.

"Only 6 are at level 8, you absorbed the ones at level 5 and below first," Wu said.

"It can't be helped," Ashu said.

"Spiritual Beast Heart Cores of level 8 and above are also very expensive, it seems like that alone is enough to buy the ingredients," Wu said.

"If you sell it somewhere, it won't be expensive, but if you sell it at an auction, we can make more profit," Ashu said with a smile.

"You seem to know a lot about auctions," Wu said.

"Of course, as the head of the Dragon Clan, I often auction my potion water and pills, the profits are very tempting," Ashu said.

Ashu returned to the city he had entered earlier, Ashu showed his token again, and was allowed to enter again with ease.

"Arriving in front of the Ateng building, Ashu stopped. Ashu forgot something. If he wanted revenge, he would have to disguise himself from now on.

Ashu took out the black robe he had brought with him during the competition, and as he walked in, Ashu pulled the cover of his robe closer so that no one could see his face.

"Can I help you?" asked Wei, the auctioneer.

"May I join you in handing over mine?" Ashu asked back.

"Of course, what are you auctioning?" Wei asked.

"This..." Wei said, not continuing his words.

"These are the 3 Essences of a Silver Lion's Heart," Ashu said.

Hearing Ashu's words, an old man approached Wei, and Old Grandpa Cu took the heart core from Wei hands and looked at it carefully.

"Did you get it yourself?" asked Old Grandpa Cu, the owner of the auction house.

"Yes, what's wrong? Can't the heart core be auctioned here?" Ashu asked back.

"It is not like that, spiritual animal heart cores of level 3 and above can be auctioned here, but are you sure you want to auction it? Why don't you use it yourself?" asked Old Grandpa Cu.

"This level 8 Spiritual Animal Heart Core is very good for improving your cultivation," said Old Man Cu.

"I can look for it again, I need gold pieces to buy herbal ingredients," Ashu said.

"Herbal ingredients," said Old Grandfather Cu.

"Wait, could it be that he has a potion master or alchemist teacher? If that's true, I must be on good terms with him, who knows, maybe his teacher is willing to sell the potions or pills he made here," Old Cu thought.

"Then may I know in whose name I am announcing this Heart Core Auction?" said Old Grandfather Cu.

"As," said Ashu.

"Okay then, Mr. As, the auction will be held tomorrow afternoon. We look forward to welcoming you. As a courtesy to the auction house, we will take this," said Old Grandfather Cu.

"What is this?" Feng asked.

"Just show it to the inn where Mr. As wants to go, and they will give you free room and board because Mr. As is a guest of our auction house," said Old Grandfather Cu.

"Okay, thank you," Ashu said as he left.

Wei, who had been silent the whole time, still didn't understand what his father was thinking. It was clear that the person who had come was a young man who was even younger than him. Why did his father respect him so much and even give him the name of their auction house?

"Father," Wei said.

"I know what you want to ask," Old Grandfather Cu said.

"This boy is still young, but he seems to have a teacher who is a potion master or alchemist. Our auction house will be successful in the future if he makes good friends with someone like that and we have to start with the student," Old Man Cu continued.

"Haaaaah, it turns out that way, do you need my help to win the man's heart so that everything goes more smoothly?" Wei said.

"No need, but if he naturally likes you, that would be very good, Father suggests you don't tease him," said Old Grandfather Cu as he walked away.

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