
Wu asked Ashu to go to the back of Tulang Mountain, behind Tulang Mountain there were many spiritual animals, spiritual animal heart cores that could help Ashu improve his training.

"I'm hunting spiritual heart cores, I don't have a weapon, but it doesn't seem to matter," Ashu said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you can do it," Wu said.

With no other choice, Ashu walked towards the back of Mount Tulang. When Ashu reached the back of Mount Bone, he could feel that the aura of the spiritual animals around him was very fierce, at level 3 and above.


The hissing sound of snakes around Ashu made him very alert. Suddenly, from behind, a 3-headed snake jumped towards Ashu, who was quite surprised.


Ashu, who was used to dealing with spiritual animals in his previous life, had very good reflexes, after training his golden tiger claws all night long, Ashu immediately swung his hand to rip apart the snake that was jumping at him.

"I'm sure you can do it, that's right," Wu said.

"What are you waiting for, absorb the essence of the three-headed snake's heart," Wu continued.

Ashu took the heart essence of the three-headed snake and swallowed it immediately. Ashu rushed to absorb the Three-Headed Serpent's Heart Core so that it would decompose and merge with his cultivation.

Because he was used to absorbing Ashu's Spirit Door, it only took a few minutes to complete the process. After it was finished, Ashu could feel even a slight change in his body.

"I feel much fresher," Ashu said.

"Of course, liver essence is very good for the body and can improve your training, not only that, meat from spiritual animals can also increase your stamina and boost your energy," Wu said.

"What a coincidence, I'm hungry," Ashu said with a smile.

Inside Ashu, Wu shook his head, what he said was true, spiritual animal meat could increase the body's resistance, but cooked spiritual animal meat could attract higher level spiritual animals.

Ashu had just burned the meat. The three-headed bush snake beside him moved, a pair of eyes staring at him sharply, preparing to attack him.


The horned bear came out of the bush and walked towards Ashu, the horned bear, which was a level 5 spiritual animal, made Ashu slowly retreat backwards.

"You didn't tell me that burnt spiritual animal meat could summon other spiritual animals," Ashu said quietly.

"I did that on purpose so you could practice," Wu said.

Draaaap draaap draaaap.

Ashu couldn't avoid the fast steps of the one-horned bear, Ashu immediately grabbed the bear's neck, which was right in front of him, so that it couldn't bite him.


Ashu shouted loudly, and his two hands, still holding the bear's neck, immediately lifted the one-horned bear and threw it.

"How dare a spiritual beast like you hurt me," Ashu shouted as he ran towards the lying bear.

Ashu's very hard throw made it difficult for the bear to get up, Ashu took advantage of the lying position of the bear and stepped on its belly, Ashu opened both palms and took out golden tiger claws and ripped the neck of the bear in front of him until it died.

"Hahahaha, I didn't pick the wrong person, you can even defeat a level 5 spirit beast," Wu said.

"Don't be too happy, my stomach was scratched by that damn bear," Ashu said.

"Then just keep the essence of the bear's heart, I'll come out to treat you," Wu said.

"No need, I can do it myself," Ashu said, immediately taking out the herbal ingredients he had bought earlier.

"These are all herbal ingredients, are you sure you can mix them to heal your wounds?" Wu asked.

"It's easy for me," Ashu said.

Ashu took a clover leaf and crushed ant eggs together, and after they were crushed, Ashu immediately put them on his injured stomach.

"I didn't expect you to know about brewing, can you make pills and potions?" Wu asked.

"Of course you can, but you need a lot of materials. To make your own pills, you need a kiln and magic fire," Ashu said.

"Then why don't you buy them?" Wu asked excitedly.

"It's all expensive, where can I get gold pieces?" said Ashu.

"Did you forget that spiritual animal heart cores can be auctioned, you just have to hunt to get a higher level spiritual animal heart core," Wu said.

"Aren't you my teacher, it seems like you really want me to die," Ashu said, shaking his head.

Ashu, feeling that his wound had dried up a bit, rushed to swallow the essence of the One-Horned Bear's heart. Ashu immediately absorbed it, and his training level gradually increased.

Ashu stood in front of a large tree and took a slow breath. Ashu got into a stance before punching the tree in front of him repeatedly.

Hiyak, hiyak, hiyak.

Ashu continued to shout, using all his strength to hit the tree in front of him, unaware that his every move was being watched by someone from afar.

"Young man, your movements remind me of someone," a voice said from behind Ashu.

"Who are you?" Ashu said without turning his head.

"He is at the sky level, be careful," Wu reminded him.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Gya, I come from the Water Dragon Clan," said the man standing behind Ashu.

Hearing the words of the water dragon, Ashu turned his body around, his clan was gone, no one left who would dare to use the name of his clan.

"I know your strength is far greater than mine, but you are looking for trouble with the wrong person," Ashu shouted.




Ashu continued to swing his arms, attacking the man in front of him. The man did not react to any of Ashu attacks and simply continued to avoid them.

"It turns out to be true," the man said with a faint smile as he looked at Ashu.

"Take this, one day we will meet again," continued the man, who immediately threw a sword at Ashu and just walked away.

Ashu, who caught the sword from the man, was silent, what he was currently holding was called the Sword of the King of the Underworld, this sword was his sword in his previous life.

"This sword," Wu continued.

"This is my sword," Ashu said.

"Do you know the person before, why did he bring your sword?" Wu asked.

"I don't know, it seems much more complicated than I expected," Ashu said.

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