Bad News

One by one, the participants lost to their respective opponents, leaving only 12 people, including Ashu, who was the first to win.


As the bell rang again to signal the end of the first round, Ashu calmly welcomed the second round that was about to begin.

"The next round will not be based on numbers, whoever wants to challenge who is welcome, you can even form groups to defeat those you want," the eunuch said, conveying what the emperor had told him before.

Ashu just smiled when he heard the eunuch's words, the rules for the second round had been planned by Emperor Dun Ta, Ashunyakin would be the target of the participants after that.

"The five of us want to challenge him," said Hong, the son of a rich merchant who was very arrogant. Hong even paid the contestants long before the match started so that whoever won would come with him to attack Ashu.

"What about the Ashu participants? They have the right to refuse," the eunuch said.

"I won't refuse, so it's faster for all of you to just attack me," Ashu said casually.

"How arrogant, don't regret your words," said the emperor, who was becoming increasingly annoyed with him.

"I won't regret it," Ashu said.

"You guys just fight him, I want to fight whoever fights last," said Gen Dis, the girl sitting at the edge of the arena.

"Fine, then we'll just fight him, whatever your name is, you have to remember that our swords don't have blades. If they hit you, even if they kill you, it's not our fault," Hong shouted.

"Noisy, come forward and I'll make you all kneel," Ashu said.

Teng teng teng.

The bell rang again to signal the start of the match, Hong and nine other people surrounded Ashu who was just silent without preparing anything, from his seat Emperor Dun Ta smiled, this time Ashu would definitely lose, the Emperor thought.



Hong swung his sword, followed by the other participants who attacked Ashu without weapons. Ashu could only dodge for a while,

Ashu's fast movements allowed him to dodge all the attacks, after studying his opponent's every move, Ashu stopped again and smiled.

"Attack him, he seems tired," Hong ordered.


Ashu caught the swords that were aimed at him one by one with one hand, in one move the swords in his hand all came loose and were thrown away.

Ashu took the opportunity to run towards the participants, Ashu quickly hit all the participants right in the back of the neck, the method of quickly paralyzing an opponent without killing him that he had mastered earlier proved to be very useful for him now.

Seeing ten contestants unconscious, including Hong, the judges were astonished, it was the first time they had seen such an impressive beginner's competition.

"Now it's my turn," Gen Dis said.

"Take this, I don't want to be seen as bullying the weak," Gen Dis continued, throwing one of the contestants' swords at Ashu.

"Are you sure I am using a sword?" said Ashu.

"So what? You lost because you were weak, but that's different from me," said Gen Dis.

"I like your confidence, then go ahead," Ashu said.


Teng teng teng.

Ashu deflected Gen Dis sword easily, Ashu even did it with only one hand.

"Is that all you can do?" Ashu said, deliberately provoking Gen Dis emotions.

"You underestimate me, accept this," Gen Dis said.

"Shadowless Sword!" shouted Gen Dis.



The sword move Gen Dis unleashed caused an explosion right where Ashu was standing. Thinking that his sword move had successfully defeated Ashu, Gen Dis prepared to step down from the arena.

"Is that what you're proud of?" said Ashu, who emerged from the smoke left by the explosion.

Gen Dis turned his body to look at Ashu, at this time, Gen Dis didn't believe that Ashu was okay after being hit by his move.

"The way you use the move is wrong, do you want me to correct it?" Ashu said again.

Gen Dis thought that if Ashu could only avoid his moves, it could be said that Ashu was no ordinary person, and his words about wanting to correct his moves were definitely not just empty talk.

"No need, I give up," said Gen Dis.

"One day, when we meet again, I will defeat you," Gen Dis continued.

"Then we can decide now who is the winner," Ashu said.


The bell rang to signal the end of the match, and the three judges chosen by the Emperor immediately came down to the arena and raised Ashu hand.

"Congratulations, you are a winner. What if you join one of our colleges?" said Chairman Yuri from Orange Sun College.

"No, I don't want to study," Ashu said quickly.

"Why don't you think about it first," Chairman Yuri said again.

"I don't need to think, my answer is still the same," Ashu said.

The three leaders immediately fell silent and looked at each other, the three of them just realized why the Emperor was so angry with Ashu, it turned out that Ashu was very arrogant and even dared to flatly refuse his offer.

"I didn't expect your arrogance to match your skills, take this token as the main prize, I'll send the rest to your family home," Emperor Dun Ta said.

"I accept," Ashu said as he walked away.

"Ahhhhh, I know why the Emperor tried to make things difficult for him before," said Chairman Yuri.

"At first I didn't like him because he was arrogant and didn't even respect me as Emperor, but when I saw his abilities I was sure of one thing, he was no beginner, I should not look for trouble with him," said Emperor Dun Ta.

Arriving at the palace gate, Ashu, who had not been picked up, decided to walk. Ashu wanted to surprise his new mother that he had succeeded in becoming a victor and bringing a good name to the family.


On the way, Ashu saw several killers passing by, but Ashu let them pass because he realized that he wasn't ready to fight the killers yet, and the most important thing for Ashu was that the killers didn't look for him first.

Long before entering his family's territory, Ashu stopped at a place to eat, Ashu wanted to fill his stomach before continuing his journey.

"Did you hear that?" asked a man sitting not far from Ashu.

"What do you mean, the news about the destruction of the old lady's family?" said another man.

"I heard that the lady and everyone in the house were killed, so now only her son is left to participate in the royal competition," said the man who had just arrived.

Ashu, who heard the three of them talking, suddenly had a bad feeling, Ashu immediately approached the three of them and sat down in front of them.

"Where is the news you are talking about?" Ashu asked.

"Ahhhh, you missed the news, the big lady who lives in the south," said the man in front of Ashu.


Ashu was struck by lightning, his mother's house was in the south and his mother was a famous lady, could it be that what they were talking about was his new mother, Ashu thought.

Ashu immediately ran out of the place to eat, he wanted to see for himself if what the people were saying was true.

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