Not Afraid

A week passed after that day, for a week Ashu was under the strict supervision of his mother, today was his last day of rest. Ashu couldn't wait to practice everything he remembered.

The first thing he had to do was to open his 5 pulsating aura points again so that the energy would flow into his spiritual sea. Ashu immediately closed his eyes, even though his mind was full of questions as to why the previous owner of the body still hadn't opened his 5 Pulse Aura Points.

From the tips of his feet, Ashu could feel 1 point of his aura vein opening, and soon the aura of his other veins slowly opened. After everything was opened, Ashu could feel his energy flowing into his spiritual sea, with the opening of his aura, his spiritual solution could store his energy and turn it into pieces of power that could make him level up.

Knock knock knock.

"Ashu," Ashu mother called from outside.

"Come in, ma'am," Ashu said.

Ashu mother entered Ashu room and sat down next to him. In fact, Ashu's mother still felt that her son was not strong enough, but she was forced to tell him about the competition that the emperor was holding.

"Do you want to talk about the contest?" Ashu asked.

"How did you know?" Ashu mother asked back.

"Brother, I mean Meng told me about the competition earlier, she said that only children like her were allowed to enter," Ashu said.

"Huuuuuu, I didn't expect him to be like that. But it's good that you know about the competition, because the Emperor himself has asked every great family to send representatives," Ashu's mother said.

"Mother, don't worry, I will represent our family," Ashu said.

"I'm sorry, I only hope for you," Ashu mother said, looking unwilling.


Two days later, Ashu was accompanied by several of his mother's bodyguards to the Dong Kingdom. Emperor Dun Ta asked all the participants to gather the day before the match.

When the participants arrived at the palace and saw Ashu they whispered to each other that Ashu's reputation was not as good as Meng Li It was natural for everyone to talk about it.

"Everyone, please follow me," Emperor Dun Ta trusted eunuch said.

Ashu went to the back row because he didn't know the contestants who were competing with him at all, until they were asked to sit down in a room by Emperor Dun Ta, who wanted to talk to them.

"Welcome to Dong's Palace, welcome to the competition that is held every 2 years," Emperor Dun Ta said as he began to speak.

"The competition is still the same as last year, whoever survives to the end is the winner. But this time, the prize has been increased, whoever wins will receive 1 gold token, which can be used to travel in and out of my territory," continued Emperor Dun Ta.

"Long live the emperor," the participants said in unison.

Ashu just listened in silence without saying anything to the other participants, as the leader of the Water Dragon Clan in the past, the Emperor was not someone he should look up to.

"That's all I have to say. You can all rest, the competition will begin tomorrow," Emperor Dun Ta said.

"Emperor Worship, goodbye," the participants said again in unison.

After leaving the room, all the contestants rested in the room provided by the emperor. Ashu, who didn't know the other participants, decided to stay outside to gather his energy.

In the field, Ashu, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, attracted Emperor Dun Ta's attention. Emperor Dun Ta immediately approached Ashu and stood in front of him.

"What are you doing?" asked Emperor Dun Ta.

"Absorbing the energy in the earth," Ashu said without opening his eyes.

"Do you know who is talking to you now?" asked Emperor Dun Ta again.

"Of course, Emperor Dun Ta, who is respected by many people, what makes you come here?" said Ashu.

"I just wanted to see you, you're great, even though you know who I am, you still talk casually without opening your eyes," Emperor Dun Ta said.

"For me, there are only two people to respect, first the gods and then my parents," Ashu said.

"You are very arrogant, then I will wait to see how good you are in tomorrow's competition," Emperor Dun Ta said.

Ashu did not answer the Emperor's words, and not long after hearing the sound of the Emperor's footsteps walking away, Ashu opened his eyes.

"Heeeeh, there's only one emperor to be afraid of," Ashu said.


The bell signaling the start of the match had rung, and the judges appointed by the Emperor were already seated.

As Ashu waited for the random number to be called, he looked in all directions, and when his eyes met the Emperor's, Ashu saw the Emperor smiling contemptuously at him.

"Number 39 and number 21, please come to the arena," said Kasim, who was mediating the competition.

Ashu was very surprised when his number 39 was called first, Ashu shook his head, he should have known that Emperor Dun Ta was deliberately targeting him.

"Jiu Lu, Jiu Lu," the other contestants shouted and continued to cheer.

In the arena, a tall man pursed his lips as he looked at Ashu, who was casually walking towards the arena. Ashu, who saw the sword in the big man's hand, was not afraid, even without a weapon he could easily win.

"Are you sure you want to fight hand-to-hand?" Kasim asked.

"Just start," Ashu said.


The eunuch rushed down after ringing the bell, Jiu Lu, the big man who was currently in front of Ashu, ready to attack him.

"Take this," Jiu Lu shouted.


Ashu immediately kicked Jiu Lu's leg before Jiu Lu reached him. Ashu's kick was so fast that it stunned the judges. The judges could hardly calculate how fast Ashu's kick was.

"It's not that the emperor said he was just an ordinary young man, but I think he is very experienced," said one of the judges.

"We'll see when it's over," said another judge.

Jiu Lu stood up angrily, gripping his sword tightly as he gritted his teeth.

"You are dead," Jiu Lu shouted, pointing his sword straight at Ashu neck.

Seeing that Jiu Lu intended to kill him, Ashu quickly caught the tip of Jiu Lu's sword with two fingers.

"You intend to kill me, don't blame me for taking revenge for your actions," Ashu said telepathically.

Ashu quickly moved towards Jiu Lu and raised his hand, before Jiu Lu could move, Ashu twisted Jiu Lu's hand and immediately slammed it down.


The sound of breaking bones was very loud, all the judges stood up to announce that Ashu had won the first match.

Ashu looked at Emperor Dun Ta and smiled, wanting to make him lose in the first match would be impossible, even if he fought dozens of Emperor Dun Ta soldiers, winning was not difficult for him.

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