Chapter 11: Standing firm in the fallout

Back in her office, Kerrigan received a message from Dr. Irving. The normally composed engineer was clearly distraught, his message outlining the dire consequences of the layoffs in R&D. Kerrigan read through his concerns carefully, her heart heavy. She knew he was right—these cuts would have a devastating impact on the company’s ability to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.

But she also knew that she couldn’t intervene—not yet.

Instead, Kerrigan drafted a carefully worded response, expressing her concern and sympathy but ultimately placing the responsibility on Kelan’s shoulders. She needed to maintain the appearance of being supportive of the board’s decision while subtly distancing herself from the fallout.

“Dr. Irving,” she wrote, “I share your concerns about the impact these cuts will have on R&D. However, the decision has been made by the board, and it is our duty to carry out their directives to the best of our ability.”

“Please know that I value your contributions and
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