Chapter 128: The Heart of the Community
The team arrived at the original community center, a modest, weather-beaten building that stood in stark contrast to the new, nearly finished structure a few blocks away.

The old center had seen better days; its faded paint, cracked windows, and the worn steps at the entrance were testaments to the years of service it had provided to the people of Jinstain.

Despite its rundown appearance, the building buzzed with life, and the spirit of the community’s youth thrived within its walls.

Conor stepped out of the car first, taking in the sight with a mix of nostalgia and determination. This was where it all began for his mother—her vision of a place where children and families could find support, learn, and grow.

Kerrigan followed close behind, her eyes scanning the surroundings, always alert but softened by the familiar warmth of this place. Faolan bounded out, sniffing the air with her usual curiosity, while Sorcha and Reilynn moved to take their positions, staying vigilant yet discreet.

Drew Archeron

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