Chapter 15: Good Morning

Soft light slowly roused Kerrigan from her dream. The bed was warm and she snuggled closer to the heated pillow.


Thump, thump

Kerrigan lay there, her body wrapped around the warm pillow as its heart beat steady beneath her head.



Kerrigan slowly opened her eyes to find she had somehow made it from the couch to a bed she didn’t recognize. That wasn’t unusual these days. After all, she had been changing beds every few weeks it seemed ever since the murder attempt.

But this was the first time she had woken up to someone else in bed with her.

Ok, not the first time… but she had nearly punched Conor that time and he had not actually been IN bed with her. More ON the bed, waking her up.

However, right now, it was very clearly NOT her pillow that she was sprawled across. Bare skin met her fingers as she felt this NOT pillow.

Kerrigan’s mind slowly cleared as she became more aware of her surroundings. The soft, rhythmic thumping beneath her ear was unmistakable—the steady
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