Chapter 157: The King’s Test

The grand hall of the royal palace was a masterpiece of gilded excess, designed to remind everyone who entered that they stood in the presence of power.

Marble pillars reached skyward, inlaid with veins of gold and silver that caught the light of the chandeliers above.

The air was heavy with the scent of perfumed oils and roasting meats, mingling with the low hum of conversation. Nobles in elaborate silks and jewels filled the room, their laughter and whispered gossip a backdrop to the King’s carefully orchestrated spectacle.

Kerrigan stood at the edge of the gathering, her posture poised but her mind alert. She had been invited here by King Ryu Pinion himself, a gesture that many saw as a high honor.

But Kerrigan knew better—this wasn’t an honor, it was a test. The King wanted to see her up close, to measure how far her influence had spread, and to push her into making a public choice she wasn’t ready to make.

Across the room, Conor lingered near one of the far walls, his presence d
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