Chapter 166: The Strain of Power

The courtroom buzzed with tension, the weight of the trial pressing down on everyone present. Kerrigan stood at the center, her sharp gaze fixed on the opposing council member as he droned on about technicalities meant to stall the proceedings.

She had been at the forefront of this battle for weeks, navigating every twist and turn with relentless determination. But today, something was different. A dull ache throbbed at her temples, and her vision blurred at the edges, a telltale sign that Abraxas’s power was taking its toll.

Kerrigan steadied herself, gripping the podium as the council member continued his arguments. Each time she tried to subdue the power within her, the strain grew worse, pulling at her like a heavy anchor dragging her down.

Abraxas’s presence was always there, lurking beneath the surface, offering strength but demanding a price. She had known the risks—knew that his power wanted justice, wanted to unleash on these twisted men—but she hadn’t expected its toll to ca
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