Chapter 173: Gregor’s Last Stand

The courtroom was tense, the air heavy with the anticipation of what was to come. The walls of the grand hall seemed to close in, the once-vibrant banners of the kingdom’s crest hanging like a judgmental audience over the proceedings.

Conor’s presentation of the ancient scrolls had left the nobles and the High Council in a stunned silence. The echoes of the scribe’s voice reading aloud the punishments—the loss of titles, lands, even the death sentence—hung in the room like a noose.

Kerrigan could feel the shift, the palpable unease among the gathered nobles. The trial had taken an unexpected turn, and for the time, the Benedicts were truly on the defensive.

Conor stood beside her, his calm presence a steady anchor in the storm of tension. Yet, across the courtroom, she saw the panic etched on Gregor’s face, his eyes darting toward the King’s throne, seeking a lifeline.

Gregor Benedict, once the proud and unshakabl

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