Chapter 175: The People’s Voice

The murmur of unrest had started as a faint whisper in the marketplaces and taverns of Jinstain, but now it had grown into a roar that echoed across the kingdom. News of the trial’s latest developments had spread like wildfire—Conor’s revelation of the ancient scrolls, Gregor’s desperate attempts to sway the court, and the King’s thunderous intervention. The entire kingdom was watching, and the people were no longer content to remain silent.

Kerrigan stood at the window of her temporary chambers in the capital, looking out over the city below. What she saw was a kingdom divided. The streets were filled with people—merchants, farmers, laborers, and nobles alike—gathered in clusters, engaged in heated debates. Some bore banners that called for justice against the Benedicts, emblazoned with slogans like “No One Is Above the Law” and “Protect the Dragons’ Covenant.” Others, however, held signs in support of the King, proclaiming, “Loyalty to the Crown” and “Order Before Chaos.”

The trial
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