Chapter 32: A New Face in the Spotlight

Seated at the head of the conference table, her expression as composed as ever, Elena Marchand could feel an underlying tension in the room. Conor and Natalie sat across from her, each of them aware that the situation was reaching a critical point.

"The media is circling like sharks," Elena said, her tone measured. "They’re looking for a story, and they won’t stop until they find something they can sink their teeth into. We need a new face to give them—someone who can manage the narrative without drawing too much attention to Dragon Corporation."

Natalie leaned back in her chair, considering her words. "A lawyer speaking to the press only raises suspicions. It makes it look like we’re hiding something, like there’s legal trouble brewing. We need someone who can handle the media without it feeling like damage control."

Elena nodded. "Exactly. We need a spokesperson, someone not directly tied to the corporation, but with enough credibility to handle the pressure. Do either of you have a
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