Chapter 50: Shadows of the Past

The Lokir estate was vast, its many rooms and hallways a labyrinth of memories and forgotten histories. As Kerrigan and Conor made their way through the mansion, the air was thick with the weight of the past, each step echoing with the whispers of those who had once walked these halls.

Faolan padded silently beside Kerrigan, her presence a comforting reminder that she was not alone, even as she delved deeper into the mysteries of her family’s past. The dog’s ears twitched occasionally, as if she could sense the tension that hung in the air.

They moved from room to room, each one revealing a new layer of the estate’s history. There were the formal sitting rooms, with their ornate furniture and heavy drapes, where Kerrigan’s parents had entertained guests and conducted business. There were the bedrooms, still furnished as they had been years ago, as if waiting for their occupants to return.

In one of the guest rooms, Kerrigan found a wardrobe filled with clothes that had belonged to her
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