Chapter 58: Return To Jinstain

As the sleek private charter jet touched down on the runway of Jinstain Regional Airport, Conor Brantley couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. The weeks spent in Velyki had been draining—emotionally, mentally, and physically.

While Velyki held the icy charm of the northern mountains, Jinstain felt like home. Here, in the coastal city with its warm sea breeze, he was surrounded by the growing business empire he had built from the ground up, a testament to Celia’s blessing and his mother’s ability to make lasting connections .

Parker Townson, ever the vigilant guard, was at his side as they descended the jet’s steps and into the warm, welcoming summer sun of Jinstain. As they approached the waiting car, Conor’s phone buzzed with messages from his team, eager to meet and debrief.

The first thing Conor did though, was take off his blasted winter lined jacket. He would have to visit Mr. Dries and get some summer suits made again.

Upon arriving at Vokrizin’s temporary headquarters in th
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