Chapter 70: Unveiling the Darkness

The next few days passed in a blur. Kerrigan’s days were filled with meetings, strategy sessions, and the ever-present weight of Dragon Corporation’s future pressing on her shoulders. Yet, amidst the chaos, she found solace in the leather-bound journal that had become her most trusted confidant.

Each night, after the long hours at the office, Kerrigan would retreat to her private quarters, and under the soft glow of a single lamp, she would pour her thoughts into the journal.

She wasn’t ready to share it—those words, those emotions, were still too raw—but the act of writing was a release she hadn’t realized she needed.

The journal had become a lifeline, a place where she could talk to Conor, express her fears, her doubts, and her longing, without the pressure of his immediate response.

She still wondered who had sent the journal, but for now, the mystery was less important than the comfort it brought. It was a space for her to sort her thoughts, to face her vulnerabilities, and to fee
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