Chapter 88: Into the Abyss

The dragoons made their way back to the smoldering remains of the cabin, their prisoner stumbling along under Gabriella’s firm grip.

The night air was sharp with the scent of pine and ash, and the silence was broken only by the occasional crackle of the dying fire and the subdued rustling of the forest. The weight of what they’d just learned hung heavily in the air.

Reilynn had managed to stabilize Faolan, who now lay resting in the back of the SUV, her breathing steadier but still labored. The herbal pill had begun to work its magic, but it would take a few more hours for the full effects to kick in. Time they didn’t have.

Parker’s mind raced as he reviewed the information they’d extracted from the captured man. An old mine, rigged with explosives and guarded by armed men. It was exactly the kind of place someone would use to hide two high-value captives.

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became that this wasn’t just a random location. There was something deeper at
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