Part 2 - Chapter 17: Mr. Nuri in Action
Mr. Nuri arrived early at the court house and found his place behind the defendant’s table. He laid out his notes and began reviewing. He always made a point of arriving well before anyone else to make sure he had everything set. On many days like this Jarad or one of his other paralegals might have joined him, but they all had tasks to attend to in preparation for the Gala and Conor’s upcoming business moves.

Even his new apprentice was busy trying to solve the conundrum that was the task of reacquiring full control of Dragon Corporation. Mr. Nuri scratched his head as he looked over the notes from discovery. This should be an open and shut case, but this judge he had been assigned was a newer one.

Judge Marrow according to the notes his team had compiled for him was raised in Pinon Province but had attended the capital’s renowned school of law, the same that he had attended, though a few years before himself.

The small audience began filtering in, many graduate students trying t
Drew Archeron

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