Season 3 Chapter 1
Rejected Billionaire Part 3

Chapter 1

Kelan Benedict POV

A loud bang snapped Kelan out of the dream. A page stuck to his face as he sat up with a yawn. He blinked trying to clear the sleep from his eyes only to find his dreaded nemesis glaring at him.

“Brought you a coffee,” Natalie quipped, setting a paper cup in front of him.

“It’s not poison is it?” Kelan asked wearily. He wouldn’t put it past the woman to try something like that.

“Not this time. You have a meeting on the 6th floor with the cosmetics division that started at 7:30.”

“What time is it?” he asked, swiping the page off his face and running his fingers through his hair trying to tame the cowlick at the back of his head.

“7:45. They sent me to find you when didn’t show up on time,” Natalie said with a smirk.

“Shit. Woman, why didn’t you find me sooner?” Kelan growled, jumping to his feet and trying to tug the wrinkles out of his suit.

“I am not your aid, remember? I work for Miss Lokir, even if she is not here.”
Drew Archeron

Love you all!

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