Return From Damnation
Return From Damnation
Author: Divi Chris

A Few Days Ago...

"Hey Rowan, hear me? " Sam's voice rang through Rowan's earpiece.

"Loud and clear, Sam. See me?" Rowan inquired. He adjusted his face mask to stay incognito.

"Sure do, but there are blind spots. You'll be on your own there," Sam replied.

"No worries, I got it covered," Rowan assured, revealing his pistol to the CCTV camera. "Eyes on the artifact?" Rowan asked, scanning the hallway.

"Yep, but there's a snag... cult members hanging in the artifact room for some reason," Sam reported, sounding concerned.

Checking his watch, Rowan questioned, "How much time till the cameras go back to normal?"

"About a minute and thirty seconds," Sam replied.

"That should do... How many culties in there?" Rowan asked, sneaking down the corridor.

"Four of 'em—three masked dudes and one damsel without a mask," Sam relayed.

"Alright, I'm movin' in," Rowan declared, determined, as he continued down the hallway.

"Hey, hold up! Two guys comin' your way," Sam warned.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Rowan quickly ducked back into hiding, hoping not to be spotted. When the occult-masked men passed by, Rowan pressed on, thanking his lucky stars. He finally reached the door, which was locked with a code. Luckily, Sam, being a computer whiz, had given Rowan the right code. Sporting a victorious smile, Rowan entered it.

"Are you sure about this? They're still inside," Sam expressed concern. "Maybe we should try another time," he suggested.

"Don't sweat it, I'm undercover. I'm rockin' the same mask as 'em, remember?" Rowan reassured, opening the door and stepping inside.

"Wait!" Sam shouted, but it was too late—Rowan was already in.

Upon Rowan's entrance, all four folks inside turned their gaze toward him. "Hey, who let you in?!" the woman inquired, stepping closer with the three men following.

"Uhh... got sent here..." Rowan stuttered.

"By who?" the woman cocked an eyebrow.

"By the boss," Rowan responded, causing Sam to shake his head in disappointment.

"Just checked her profile, she's the boss. She's onto you," Sam whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Rowan whispered back.

"Told you to wait, didn't I?" Sam argued.

The woman scrutinized Rowan for a moment, then a smirk appeared on her face. "And who's this boss you speak of?" The three men started circling Rowan.

Rowan realized things had gone south, but he tried to stay cool. After a brief pause, he glanced at the artifact, placed in the center of a weird circle on the floor, surrounded by lit candles. He couldn't fathom the cult's plans with the artifact, but its golden shiny appeal made it worth nabbing.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" the woman taunted, stepping to the side, hands behind her back. "Funny how you cracked a door with a secret code known only to me. Weak security, I must say. But funnier still, a pro thief like you didn't dig deep enough to find out who the real boss is. No matter how flawless a plan may seem, mistakes always happen."

Rowan's hand hovered near his gun. "You're right," he replied, catching the woman off guard.

Before she had time to process his words, Rowan sprang into action. "Now!" he shouted.

In an instant, Sam killed the lights, and a scuffle broke out. When the lights flickered back on, the woman saw her three men sprawled on the ground, groaning.

Her gaze then shifted to the door. Rowan stood there, holding the artifact in his hand. He briefly bowed his head, then exited with style...

Rowan stumbled out of the building, feeling like a character in an action movie. But before he could celebrate his escape, blaring alarms filled the air, and guards closed in on him like hungry sharks smelling blood in the water. Frantically looking around, he spotted Sam waiting in a van with a mischievous grin.

Coming out of the van, Sam surprised Rowan by pulling out a gun and pointing it at him. Rowan's jaw dropped, and he exclaimed, "Sam, what on earth is going on? Are we playing an extreme version of hide and seek or something, why is that thing pointed at me instead of.. you know, them?" Rowan said, pointing at the encroaching guards.

"Move aside!" Sam commanded in his most authoritative voice, his gun steady in his hand.

Rowan nervously stepped aside, his mind spinning like a gyroscope. "Okay, I'm stepping aside, but can we please go now? Shooting at guards isn't exactly how I planned to spend my afternoon!"

"Just go ahead, I'll handle these guys. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work! Now scram!" Sam ordered, determination flickering in his eyes.

"No way, Sam! I'm not leaving you here to audition for an action movie on your own. We're partners in crime, remember? Partners in survival, partners in bad jokes!" Rowan pleaded desperately, his voice tinged with worry and a touch of humor.

Sam shook his head, his finger on the trigger. "You never listen, do you? Don't worry about me; I've got this under control. Just go!"

Reluctantly, Rowan registered the seriousness in Sam's eyes and hesitantly climbed into the van, clutching the bag containing the precious artifact like it was his lifeline. As he started the engine, an overwhelming sense of guilt washed over him. He stole quick glances at Sam, hoping against hope that he would make it out alive.

Rowan sped away, his heart pounding like a drum solo gone wild. Suddenly, he noticed a steep hill ahead, and as he descended, he attempted to brake, only to discover that his worst nightmare had come true, the brakes had betrayed him!

In a frenzy, Rowan battled with the steering wheel, trying to avoid a catastrophic crash. The van raced uncontrollably, like a wild rollercoaster on steroids, as Rowan desperately searched for a safe landing spot. Thoughts of inventing superhero powers flashed through his mind, accompanied by terrified screams that would make even the bravest hero faint.

Then, as if the universe had given up on playing fair, Rowan made a split second decision. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he prepared to bail out of the van, ready to become a real-life action star.

But before he could take the leap of faith, the van collided with a tree, sending him on a dizzying journey of uncontrollable spins and madness. When the wreckage finally came to a halt, Rowan's world went black, leaving him with a cliffhanger ending fit for a cheesy soap opera.

Only moments later, a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows, ignoring poor Rowan's unconscious state. Without wasting a precious second, they rushed to the van, snatched the artifact from the bag, and disappeared into thin air. It was like witnessing a magician perform a grand trick, but with significantly less sparkle and more criminal intent.

And so, Rowan's fate hung in the balance as the world wondered, would he wake up to find Sam victorious and the artifact safely reclaimed? Or would he rise to discover his friend turned to the dark side, with the artifact now in the clutches of an enigmatic figure? Only time would tell, and the plot thickened like a gourmet stew.


Present Day

A woman sat in front of a mirror, her gaze fixed upon her reflection. She remained still, devoid of any movement, her appearance disheveled. On any ordinary day, one might have considered her undeniably beautiful. But today, her hair was unkempt, her face pale, and her eyes bore the weight of unending sorrow and tears.

Suddenly, her son burst into the room, exclaiming, "Mama! Mama! I just saw dad outside!"

Her trance was shattered by her son's urgent words, and she turned to him, her eyes widening in surprise and confusion. "What are you saying, Tom? Dad is dead. He couldn't possibly be outside... we just buried him a few days ago..."

Tom refused to yield to doubt, understanding that actions often spoke louder than words. Determined, he reached out and held his mother's hand.

"Come, Mama, Dad is waiting to see you," he insisted, tugging her gently.

She hesitated for a fleeting moment before deciding to embrace the possibility her son presented. Tom released her hand and sprinted towards the door with unbridled excitement. The woman watched, her heart rekindling a flicker of hope as she observed her son's elation. Could it be true? Could her husband, against all odds, have returned to them?

However, as her son approached the threshold of the open door, his jubilant expression transformed into a bewildered one. His eyes darted around, desperately searching for the father he had glimpsed mere moments ago.

In that instant, the woman, as a mother, comprehended the disappointment etched on her son's face, and the remnants of hope quietly dissipated. What had she been thinking? Was it realistic to expect her deceased husband to miraculously reappear before them?

"Come, let's go inside, Tom," she whispered softly, her voice tinged with a profound sadness. She gently took her heartbroken son's hand, leading him back into the house as she closed the door behind them.


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