Chapter 024


Did she really think he was that cheap?

With an indifferent expression, Edward asked, “Why do you have such low expectations for our marriage, huh?”

“Marriage? Which is merely guaranteed by a piece of paper?”

Her voice rose to a pitch that could shatter glass.

“Oh sure, keep dreaming! You can’t take advantage of me. Never!”

Edward rolled his eyes.

“And what if I don’t accept your offer?”

Grace was exasperated.

She just knew it!

There was no easy way to deal with this rascal.

Grace’s face turned a blazing shade of crimson as she glared at him.

The nerve of this man!

He thought he was the prize, but he was nobody.

“I won’t let you share my bed. No matter what! You’ll sleep on the cold floor every night!”

She spat.

“So why don’t you just take the money? It’s good for both of us.”

“Alright.” Edward agreed.

He only accepted because he saw how desperate she was.


“Yes, but it will cost you more than $200,000.”

Grace was annoyed. “What are you talking about?”

“Even if
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