Chapter 4

Arnold blinked, looking at the man who addressed him with such familiarity like he was his lost family…

The room was quiet, the only sound was the steady beeping of the heart monitor. He tried to think if he knew the man before but he gave up after a wave of nausea hit him. 

“Who are you?” Arnold’s voice was barely a whisper, his heart pounding as he looked at the old man. He felt an overwhelming mix of fear, confusion, and a strange sense of familiarity.

The old man’s lips trembled as he spoke, his voice shaky with emotion. “Arnold… I’m your grandfather. My name is Aron William.”

The name echoed in Arnold’s mind, clashing with everything he had known. “That… That’s impossible,” he managed to say, his breath catching in his throat. “I grew up in an orphanage. I was told I had no family.”

Tears welled up in Aron’s eyes, spilling over as he gently cupped Arnold’s face with trembling hands. “My boy… I’ve been searching for you for so many years. You do have a family, and I’m here now.”

“Grandpa?” he murmured, the word feeling foreign yet comforting. Arnold spelled the foreign word without knowing how. He felt a connection with the man with whom he just met.

‘I am not alone anymore…I have a family now.’ Tears slid down his cheeks as he thought to himself. Still, it was hard for him to believe everything was not a dream.

“Yes, Arnold, I’m your grandpa,” Aron choked out, his voice thick with tears. “I’ve prayed for this moment, to find you back and take you to home…where you belong…”

Arnold swallowed hard, his throat tight with emotion. “But… how did you find me?” His voice quivered, his heart pounding as he waited for an answer.

Aron took a deep breath, his eyes filled with a mix of relief and sorrow. “It was your blood type. The William family has a unique type, and we’ve been searching for years. Tonight, we got a tip that led us here, and when I saw you… I knew.”

The words hung heavy in the air. Arnold’s thoughts were in a mess, trying to piece together the fragments of his past. “But the orphanage… They told me I was abandoned. Why… why didn’t anyone come for me?”

Aron’s face crumpled with sorrow, his hands tightening around Arnold’s. “I don’t know why, Arnold. I don’t know how you ended up there, but I promise… I’ll find out. I’ll tell you everything once we get home.”


The word felt like a distant dream, something Arnold had longed for but never believed he’d have. His chest tightened with a mix of hope and fear. 

“This is all happening too suddenly… I don’t even know what to think,” he confessed, his voice choked with emotion.

Aron leaned forward, placing his big, warm hand on Arnold’s forehead. “I know, my boy. It’s overwhelming. But you’re safe now, and we’ll face this together.”

Arnold nodded slowly, exhaustion finally taking its toll on him. Despite the storm of emotions, he felt a sense of serenity in his grandfather’s presence. He allowed himself to drift off to sleep, his hand still clutching his grandfather’s.

As Arnold’s breathing evened out, Rex, the butler, approached Aron. “Sir, you should rest as well. It’s been a long night.”

Aron shook his head, his eyes never leaving Arnold’s peaceful face. “No, Rex. I’m not leaving his side. Not now, not ever again.”

Rex nodded in understanding and stepped back. The old man stayed by Arnold’s bed, his heart filled with a mix of joy and sorrow. He had found his grandson, but the years they had lost could never be reclaimed.

The next morning, Arnold slowly opened his eyes to the soft light filtering through the window. His body ached, but the sight of his grandfather still sitting beside him brought him comfort.

‘It was not a dream… I really have a family now…’ A smile bloomed on Arnold’s face as the thought of having family after so many years.

A doctor entered the room, checking Arnold’s vitals with practiced efficiency. “How are you feeling today, Mr. William?” he asked, glancing at the chart.

“I feel much better,” Arnold replied, his voice still weak but steadier than before.

The doctor nodded, satisfied with the progress. “Your physical condition is stable, and the wound on your head should heal fine at home. You can go home.”

Aron’s face lit up with relief. “Thank you, Doctor,” he said gratefully. Turning to Arnold, he added, “We’ll take you home, and I’ll make sure you have the best care.”

Arnold managed a faint smile, the reality of his new situation made him a bit hesitant. “Thank you, Grandpa. I… I don’t know how to repay you.”

Aron’s expression softened, and he squeezed Arnold’s hand gently. “You don’t have to repay me, Arnold. You’re my family. That’s all that matters.”

Soon after, the discharge procedures were completed, and Arnold, accompanied by his grandfather, stepped out of the hospital. 

A long Lincoln limousine, sleek and polished to perfection, was waiting for them. Arnold stared at it in disbelief, unable to believe that such a car was there for him.

Rex stood by the door, bowing slightly as he greeted them. “The car is ready, Sir.”

Arnold hesitated, his gaze shifting from the limousine to his grandfather. “Is this… Is this a real Lincoln?”

Aron chuckled lightly, the warm sound that brought a faint smile to Arnold’s lips. “The William family uses only the best, my boy.”

As Arnold climbed into the car beside his grandfather, he couldn’t help but marvel at the luxurious interior and seats. 

It was a world vastly different from the life he was living till now, a life filled with struggle and pain.

“Do you like it?” Aron asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Arnold nodded, still taking it all in.

Aron’s smile grew wider. “Well, my boy, then this car is yours!”

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