Chapter 5

Arnold’s eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the luxury car his grandfather had just handed him. “Thank you, Grandpa,” he said, his voice trembling with awe.

His grandfather responded with a warm smile and a gentle pat on Arnold’s hand. “You’re welcome, my boy. Remember, this is just the beginning. Much more awaits you.”

Arnold settled into the luxurious seat, the soft leather embracing him in comfort. The fresh, calming scent of the forest inside the car helped ground him as he tried to process the surreal turn his life had taken. 

“I never imagined I’d be sitting in a car like this, let alone owning one,” he murmured, almost to himself.

Aron chuckled, pride and amusement in his voice. “Life has a way of surprising us, doesn’t it? This car is just a small part of what’s coming your way. You’re stepping into a world you never dreamed of.”

Arnold turned to his grandfather, seeking reassurance. “I’m not sure I’m ready for all this, Grandpa. It feels… overwhelming.”

Aron nodded, understanding the weight of Arnold’s emotions. “It’s natural to feel that way. You’ve got time to adjust, and you’re not alone. I’ll be here to guide you.”

Arnold gazed out the window, watching the city buildings blur past. His mind drifted to the life he had known, so different from what lay ahead. “I just need time to accept everything,” he admitted softly.

“You have all the time you need,” Aron said gently. “But focus on your future now. Don’t let the past hold you back. Those who hurt you aren’t worth your pain.”

A warm connection surged within Arnold, a bond he had longed for without realizing. He looked at his grandfather, grateful for his support and understanding.

Before Arnold could respond, Rex, the family chauffeur, leaned forward from the front seat. “Master Arnold, here are some documents you might want to review.” He handed Arnold a sleek leather folder with practiced ease.

Arnold accepted the folder with trembling hands, curiosity piqued. As he opened it, his eyes widened in shock.

Dream Corporation, East West Bank, Yellow…the names of the country’s most powerful companies were laid out before him. 

His breath caught when he saw a familiar name. “Star Corporation… That’s where I work,” he blurted out, his voice filled with shock. He looked up at Aron, confusion and disbelief in his eyes.

Aron’s eyes twinkled with amusement, a small, knowing smile on his lips. “It seems you’ve been working for your own company all along. Quite the coincidence, don’t you think?”

Arnold was stunned again. “It surely is…” he sighed softly, quickly scanning the documents.

When he looked up, he saw his grandfather smiling with pride. Feeling suddenly shy, Arnold cleared his throat to regain his composure.

"Grandfather, this is… overwhelming. These companies… they’re the pillars of the country’s economy," he whispered, awe and disbelief in his voice.

“These companies were meant to be your father’s inheritance,” Aron said, his tone growing serious. “But fate had other plans, and now they belong to you.”

Arnold’s mind raced with questions, but some stood out. “Grandpa… what happened to my parents? Why did I grow up in an orphanage? Why didn’t anyone come for me?”

Aron’s expression darkened, a shadow of sorrow crossing his face. “It was 23 years ago. Your parents were on a trip, meant to be filled with joy and new beginnings.”

Arnold’s throat tightened as he sensed the unfolding tragedy. "But something went wrong, didn’t it?" he whispered.

Aron nodded, his face turned white with sorrow. “There was a terrible car accident…with something fishy... Both your parents died that day… and your body was never found. We searched for years, all around the world, without giving up hope. I knew you were alive, I can find you back someday…”

Arnold wanted to know more about the accident and how he was found in the orphanage but he looked at the saddened expression of his old man. 

Arnold’s heart clenched with grief. “So that’s why… I grew up in the orphanage,” he said softly. “But I’m here now, Grandpa. We’re together.”

Aron’s eyes filled with tears as he squeezed Arnold’s hand. “Yes, Arnold. We’re together now. Don’t worry, we’ll make up for all the lost time. We have so much to do…”

Arnold nodded with appreciation and smiled back.

“I promise, Arnold, I will keep you safe and sound. I won’t let you get harmed again.” Aron murmured under his breath. Arnold understood something must be fishy with his parent’s death and his life won’t be that easy.

Still, among all the uncertainties, Arnold felt a strange sense of peace despite the storm of emotions inside him. He had finally found his family and wasn’t going to let go. “I still can’t believe all this, Grandpa. These companies… How am I supposed to handle all of this?”

Aron smiled, pride softening his expression. “You’ll learn, Arnold. You’re a William, after all. You have the strength and intelligence to handle anything.”

The car slowed to a stop, and Arnold looked out at the awe-inspiring ancient Greek-style building before him. Its towering columns and intricate carvings glowed softly in the twilight. “Is this… my new home?” he asked, with wonder and disbelief.

Rex stepped out of the car and opened the door for Arnold with a respectful smile. “Master Arnold, this is just an outbuilding,” he said with a slight bow.

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