Chapter 6

After a series of advanced security checks, the car finally passed through the grand gates. Arnold’s eyes widened in disbelief as the estate came into view. 

Lavish gardens stretched as far as he could see, and the mansion itself looked like something out of a dream. He sat there, speechless, as the car came to a halt in front of a mansion where two rows of people stood at attention.

As soon as the car stopped, Aron William stepped out , his presence commanding respect. “This is my grandson,” he announced loudly, his voice echoing with pride. “And the heir to the William family.”

Arnold felt a wave of emotions surge through him as he got out of the car. The rows of people bowed deeply, showing him a level of respect he had never experienced before. It was overwhelming, but there was a strange sense of belonging that warmed his heart.

“Come with me, Arnold,” Aron said, leading him into the mansion.

The lavish hallway was beyond anything Arnold had ever imagined. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the marble floors gleamed under the soft lighting. A long dining table was already set with an array of food, the aroma of which made Arnold’s stomach growl.

“Sit here and dine with me,” Aron instructed as they reached the table.

Arnold hesitated, feeling out of place, but still, he obeyed and sat down. The elder’s sharp eyes softened as he took a seat beside Arnold. “How are your injuries?” he asked, his tone filled with concern.

Arnold took a deep breath. “I’m fine, Grandpa. Just some cuts and bruises.” 

He paused, the memory of that night still fresh. “Grandpa, everything was just destroyed within one night. I discovered Diana with another man at the hotel. When I confronted her, she hit me with a vase.”

Arnold told everything to Aron.

Aron’s expression darkened, his eyes narrowing with anger. “She dared to lay a hand on you? Who the hell she think she is? After everything you’ve done for her?” His voice was cold, almost deadly. “Those people deserve to be crushed like insects.”

Arnold shook his head, determination hardening his features. “No, Grandpa. I’ll handle it myself. They’ve taken enough from me. This is my fight.”

Aron studied him for a moment, then nodded approvingly. “You’ve got spirit of a William, Arnold. But remember, you’re not alone in this.”

The butler, Rex, approached with a sleek black card in his hand. “Master Arnold, this is the symbol of your identity as the heir of the William family. It will open doors to wherever you go.”

Arnold stared at the card, feeling its weight in his hand as if it held infinite wealth and power. It was a lot to take in.

Aron reached out, placing a hand on Arnold’s shoulder. “Use it wisely, in your own way. This is your life now. You deserve all of this, my boy.”

Before Arnold could fully process this new reality, his phone rang. The screen lit up with the name “Mike,” his boss. Arnold hesitated, then answered.

“Arnold, where the hell are you?” Mike’s voice barked through the phone. “You were supposed to be at work hours ago! Who the hell going to complete your portion of work?”

Arnold gripped the phone tightly, his pulse quickening. “Mike, I… I was in an accident, and—”

“Spare me the excuses!” Mike interrupted, his tone dripping with contempt. “You’re fired. I need someone reliable, not some weakling who can’t even show up on time.”

Arnold felt a surge of anger rise within him. “You’re firing me because I was injured? You don’t even care what happened?”

“Care?” Mike scoffed. “Why should I? You’re just a replaceable dog of mine, Arnold. So, I would like to inform you that you’ve been replaced.”

Before Arnold could respond, the line went dead. He stared at the phone in disbelief, his hand trembling with frustration and anger.

Aron, who had overheard the conversation, was fuming. “What an arrogant fool!” he spat, his voice laced with disgust. “How dare he speak to my grandson like that?”

The butler stepped forward, his expression serious. “Shall I investigate, sir?”

Aron’s eyes blazed with fury as he turned to Rex. “Immediately. And make sure Arnold is with you. It’s time he learns who really holds the power.”

Arnold blinked, trying to keep up with the whirlwind of emotions. “Grandpa, what do you mean?”

A small, cunning smile curved Aron’s lips. “It’s time you stepped into your rightful place, Arnold. You’re going to be the new CEO of Star Corporation.”

Arnold’s jaw dropped. “What? But… Mike’s the CEO. He’s been running the company for years.”

Aron’s smile didn’t waver. “Not anymore. That position belongs to you now.”

“But I’m just… How can I—”

“You’re a William,” Aron cut him off, his voice firm. “And it’s time the world knew it.”

Arnold’s mind reeled as he tried to process the rapid turn of events. He had spent years working under Mike’s thumb, enduring his harsh words and shitty attitude. And now, in just one day, everything had changed. Maybe it’s what power and wealth can do.

“Grandpa… I don’t know what to say,” Arnold stammered, his voice a mix of disbelief and awe.

“Then say nothing,” Aron replied, his tone softening. “Just focus on becoming the man you were always meant to be. It’s time for you to start a new life, Arnold. One where you’re in control.”

Arnold nodded slowly, his mind still racing. He had always been a hard worker, but this… this was beyond anything he had ever imagined.

As they stood up to leave, Rex bowed slightly. “I’ll make the arrangements, Master Arnold.”

Arnold looked at his grandfather, who gave him an encouraging nod. “You’re ready for this, Arnold. Trust me.”

With those words echoing in his mind, Arnold followed them out of the mansion, a new sense of purpose and determination burning within him. He wasn’t just a replaceable dog anymore. He was a William. And it was time the world knew it.

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