Chapter 7

Leaving the villa, Arnold couldn’t shake the mix of anxiety and determination brewing inside him. The reality of his newfound status still felt so dreamy, but he knew there was no turning back.

 As they drove in the Lincoln, the butler, Rex, remained calm and composed. His presence was a silent assurance that Arnold wasn’t alone in this.

The sleek car pulled up in front of Star Corporation, the building towering above them, a familiar yet now foreign sight for Arnold. He took a deep breath as they stepped inside the lobby. The memories of his last day here, being fired over the phone, still stung.

“Let’s get this over with,” Arnold muttered, encouraging himself as they walked toward the reception desk.

The receptionist, a woman named Sarah, recognized Arnold immediately. 

A smirk spread across her face, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she greeted him. “Oh, Arnold, what are you doing here? Didn’t you get the notice? You don’t work here anymore.”

Arnold opened his mouth to respond, but Rex was quicker. He stepped forward, his voice calm but authoritative. “We’re here on official business. I suggest you let us through.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Official business? With whom? The janitor?” She laughed, clearly enjoying her superior power. “Listen, I know you’re upset about getting fired, but coming here to argue with a scammer, don’t you think it is too much?”

“Still, as we were colleague before, I will show you a bit of mercy. You need to leave before I call security.” Sarah smirked gracefully.

Rex didn’t flinch. Instead, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his phone. “I’ll make a call of my own, then.”

Arnold watched as Rex dialed a number, his voice remaining steady as he spoke. “Yes, this is Rex from the William family. We’re currently being blocked by the receptionist at Star Corporation. Could you please inform the appropriate party?”

Sarah’s smirk faltered slightly, but she still looked unconvinced. “Sure, go ahead and call whoever you want. It won’t change anything. You are just trying to play pretend, then go on. I am bored anyway.”

Less than a minute later, the elevator doors across the lobby slid open, and  Mike, the CEO himself rushed out in the speed of light, his face pale and full of panic. 

He nearly tripped over his own feet as he hurried toward Rex, bowing deeply in apology. “Mr. Rex, please forgive the misunderstanding! I had no idea you were coming!”

Sarah’s eyes widened in shock, the color draining from her face as she realized the gravity of her mistake. “Mr. Mike, I—”

“Silence!” Mike snapped, glaring at Sarah. “How dare you treat Mr. Rex with such disrespect!”

Sarah stammered, trying to retreat. “I-I didn’t know—”

“You’re fired,” Mike cut her off coldly. “And I’ll have security escort you out immediately.”

Two security guards appeared, grabbing Sarah by the arms as she pleaded for another chance. But her words fell on deaf ears as she was swiftly removed from the building. 

The sight was both satisfying and sobering for Arnold, who couldn’t help but feel a bit of pity for her.

Mike turned back to Rex, and his demeanor completely changed from the harsh boss Arnold knew. Now, he was all meek and desperate. “Mr. Rex, please accept my deepest apologies. If there’s anything I can do to make this right, just name it.”

Rex nodded, his expression neutral. “There is something, actually. But first, let’s move to your office.”

Mike quickly agreed, leading them to the elevator. As they rode up, Arnold noticed the nervous tension in the air, with Mike glancing nervously between him and Rex. It was clear that Mike was afraid of what might come next.

Once they were inside Mike’s office, a spacious room was decorated lavishly. Rex wasted no time. “Mr. William,” he began, gesturing toward Arnold, “has been treated unfairly under your leadership.”

Mike’s eyes darted to Arnold, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. “I… I had no idea,” he stammered. “If I’d known—”

“Spare us the excuses,” Rex interrupted sharply. “The person responsible for firing Mr. William should be dealt with immediately, that is what the President of William Corporation, Mr. Aron Willam wants.”

Mike felt like the whole world had broken over his head. He didn’t dare to refute.

Rex turned to Arnold, his expression softening slightly. “What do you think, Arnold? Should anyone else be let go?”

Arnold paused, thinking carefully. A part of him wanted to lash out, to punish everyone who had made his life difficult. But another part of him, the part that had always been fair and just, knew that wasn’t who he was.

“I don’t want anyone else to lose their job,” Arnold finally said. “But I hope we can work on creating a better environment here. One where people are respected, no matter their position.”

Mike let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, relief washing over him. “Of course, of course. I’ll make sure that happens.”

Rex nodded, then dropped the final bombshell. “There’s one more thing. From now on, this company will be under Arnold’s command.”

Mike’s face turned ashen. “W-what? But… I…”

Rex’s gaze was unyielding. “Mr. William is the new CEO. This would be effective immediately. You’ll answer directly to him.”

Arnold’s heart pounded in his chest as the reality of the situation hit him. He was now in control, the very person who had once fired him, and humiliated him, was now at his mercy.

“Welcome to your new life, Arnold,” Rex said with a hint of satisfaction. “It’s time to take the reins.”

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