Max stood in his grandfather's study, his heart pounding. The old man sat behind a massive oak desk, his steely gaze fixed on his grandson.

"Max," his grandfather began, his voice gruff, "it's time we discussed your future. We've secured a marriage contract with the Hunters. You'll wed their daughter next spring."

Max's breath caught in his throat. "What? Grandfather, I can't—"

"This isn't up for debate," the old man cut him off. "This union will strengthen both our families. It's been decided."

"But I don't love Alexa," Max protested, his voice rising. "I'm in love with someone else. Someone real."

His grandfather's eyes narrowed. "Real love? Don't be naive, boy. Love comes with time and mutual respect. This marriage is about duty, about family."

"I won't do it," Max said, his jaw set. "I won't marry someone I don't love."

The old man's face darkened. "If you go against my decision, you'll be banished from this family. Cut off completely. Is that what you want?"

Max took a deep breath, steadying himself. "If that's what it takes to be with the person I truly love, then yes. I'm willing to leave. I'll spend my life with someone I choose, not someone chosen for me."

His grandfather stood, towering over the desk. "Think carefully, Max. You're throwing away everything—your inheritance, your future, your family."

"No," Max said, his voice calm now. "I'm choosing my own path. I'm sorry, Grandfather, but this is my decision to make."

Max left his family's home. He broke off the marriage deal with Alexa. He wanted to find "real love" on his own. He turned away from the life his family had planned for him.

(Years Later)

Years have passed. Max is sitting in a fancy car next to Alexa. She was once going to be his wife. The air feels heavy. Max moves around, uncomfortable. He keeps looking at Alexa. Old memories come back to him.

Alexa still likes Max. Her eyes are warm when she looks at him. But Max isn't sure how he feels. Should he like her back? He doesn't know. His old choice to leave weighs on him. Every moment feels full of things they don't say.

Max thinks hard. He left everything for what he thought was real love. But where did that get him? Now, next to Alexa, he wonders if he made the right choice. It feels odd and uncomfortable. It reminds him of the life and people he left behind.

Max is about to speak. But then his phone rings loudly. It breaks the quiet. This makes things even more tense.

Max's face paled as he saw his boss's name on the screen. With a trembling hand, he answered, "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you, you useless piece of garbage?" his boss's voice thundered through the speaker, so loud that even Alexa flinched.

"I'm... I'm on my way," Max stammered, his free hand clenching nervously.

"On your way? You should have been here hours ago!" The boss's voice dripped with contempt. "What's the matter, pretty boy? Too good for honest work now? Think you can just waltz in whenever you feel like it?"

Max winced at the mocking tone. "No, sir. I'm sorry. There was a misunderstanding—"

"A misunderstanding?" the boss interrupted with a harsh laugh. "The only misunderstanding is me thinking you could handle a simple job! You're pathetic, Max. If you're not here in the next twenty minutes, don't bother showing your face again. You'll be out on your ass faster than you can say 'Daddy's trust fund'!"

The call ended abruptly, leaving Max staring at his phone, his face a mixture of shock and humiliation.

After a moment of tense silence, Max turned to Alexa, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Alexa, I hate to ask, but could you drop me off at the bar? I... I forgot I had work today."

Alexa frowned, her brow furrowing in confusion. "The bar? Why are you still working there? You're returning to take your position in the family business, aren't you? You don't need to work at the bar anymore."

Max shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I know, I know. It's just... I need to say goodbye to my colleagues. It's important to me."

Alexa's frown deepened, but she nodded, guiding the SUV towards the bar.

As the SUV pulled up to the bar, it immediately drew everyone's attention. The people hanging out in front of the bar got excited and started guessing about the car.

"Whoa, check out that car!" someone whistled.

"I bet someone rich is coming here," another joked.

The crowd waited with bated breath to see who would walk out from the luxury car. When the door opened and Max stepped out, a hush fell over the group, followed quickly by gasps and mutters of disbelief.

"No way," one regular said, rubbing his eyes. "Isn't that Max? The poor guy who works here?"

Indeed it was. Max, known to everyone as the struggling bartender always scraping by, now stood before them, having just exited a car worth more than he'd likely earn in a decade.

The shock quickly gave way to jeers and taunts. Some of the more obnoxious colleagues started whistling and cat-calling.

"Hey Max!" one shouted. "You become a gigolo or something?"

Another chimed in, "So that's why you were so desperate to date that actress! Found yourself a sugar mommy instead, huh?"

Inside the SUV, Alexa watched the scene, her anger rising with each passing moment. She spoke to herself, her voice low but filled with fury.

"How dare they? These so-called 'colleagues' of his... They're nothing but a bunch of small-minded, jealous fools."

Another colleague scrunched her nose in disgust and said, "What'd you do, Max? Sell your dignity for a ride in a fancy car?"

The taunts grew louder and more vicious. "No self-respect left, eh? How low can you go?"

Alexa gripped the seat, her knuckles turning white as her anger rose.

"Look at them, mocking him like that. They have no idea who he really is, what he's been through. And Max... God, he's too good for this. Why did he even want to say goodbye to these people? They don't deserve his kindness."

The crowd erupted in laughter, clearly enjoying their perceived cleverness at Max's expense.

Max, for his part, maintained a calm smile. He stood tall, brushing off their words as if they were nothing more than a gentle breeze.

Just as Alexa was about to exit the car and give the crowd a piece of her mind, the bar's owner stormed out. Without warning, he slapped Max hard across the face.

"You did a terrible job yesterday, and now you have the nerve to show up late?" he yelled, his face red with anger. "I will cut your entire salary for this!"

The crowd fell silent, shocked by the sudden slap. Max stumbled back, his cheek stinging from the slap. He looked stunned, caught between the mocking people and his furious boss.

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