Return of the Big Boss: Secretly A Billionaire Heir

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Return of the Big Boss: Secretly A Billionaire Heir

By: Clone Writer Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 38 views: 1.5K

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Max Norman, a bartender, is cheated on by his superstar wife. Betrayed and humiliated by her lover, he demands a divorce, and everyone congratulates his ex-wife for divorcing him. 'Good riddance to bad rubbish!' But to everyone's shock, the loser they scorned hides a powerful secret: he is the heir to the influential Norman family. And this time, he plans to crush everyone who looked down on him under his feet!

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  • Kedar Chery


    gthe book is not too bad, but why do these no update

    2024-08-29 14:12:03
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38 chapters
In a bar downtown, Los Angeles.Max Norman dusted his clothes; a crisp white shirt and black vest before returning to the counter, taking out his phone from his backpack. He clicked on the messaging app, and his last conversation with July an hour ago appeared on the screen.The Motion Pictures award ceremony was going to be held tonight, and July was nominated for an award. It was her first award since she debuted, and he was pretty excited for her, so he sent countless messages of encouragement. But she only replied with a text, telling him to stop bothering her as she needed to rest before the award began.It was pretty cold, but Max knew she needed rest, so he didn't send another message afterward.He placed the phone back in his bag and looked up at the overhead screen in the bar lounge. The awards ceremony was being aired, and several movie stars were being interviewed on the red carpet. But July had not appeared yet."One more bottle of vodka!" someone yelled from the center of
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As July and Greg left the stage hand in hand, Max felt a piece of his heart go with them. The woman he loved, the future he had dreamed of—it was all crumbling away.His heart was shattered into pieces; he felt betrayed and cheated.Amid the loud noises surrounding the bar, the wine glass in his hand slipped and crashed to the floor. His reaction attracted attention, and the guests snickered. Laughter erupted around him, louder and more mocking than before. “He’s really delusional!” the college boys laughed at him. “How did he even think she was going to call his name?”“You better focus on your bartender job and stop dreaming about celebrities,” someone jeered.The snickers brought Max back to his senses, and he quickly crouched to pick up the shards. But just then, July’s voice could be heard through the noise.“Thank you, Greg. For always being there for me.”Max looked up just in time to see a man appear on the stage. He hugged her, and they kissed on stage. He was at a loss and
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July was stunned for a couple of seconds.But she quickly regained her composure, and her face contorted with anger. “What are you talking about?” She barked. “Why do you want a divorce?”Max stared at her angry face silently but soon lowered his head, unable to look at her the same way as before. He tried to keep his voice monotone as he responded, “I watched the award ceremony.”July frowned and was about to retort, but a second later, she seemed to realize something, and her face blanched.“What.. what...?” She subconsciously blurted out.Max looked up at her and calmly said, “I saw you hug and kiss Greg on the stage.”She looked ashen but she quickly collected herself.“And so what?” She glared coldly and shrugged. “It’s nothing. Just some publicity stunt.”“Publicity stunt?” Max felt ridiculous. “You kissed another man on stage, and you say it’s just publicity?” "Of course it was!" July threw her hands up in exasperation. "God, Max, how naive are you? It's not a big problem.”He
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He was dumbfounded. But July quickly reacted, and she rushed over. “Greg... what are you doing here?”She quickly tried to snatch the lingerie he was holding, but Greg was obviously intent on causing trouble and avoided her hand, dangling it even more conspicuously.“Is this part of your so-called gossip?” Max’s jaw clenched as he finally found his voice. “Did you sleep with him?”July was momentarily stunned by his question, but then she sneered, throwing her arms up in the air. “Whatever! I’m a movie star now. What exactly do you expect?”She had clearly thrown all shame away, and Max stood there dumbfounded. He stared at her face speechlessly, suddenly finding her unfamiliar. Like the woman he knew and married was nothing but a dream.But she was unbothered and said matter of factly, “As it is, I’m tired of you! You are nothing but a sore loser who works a bartender job, running odd jobs for other people. You clearly have no future.”As she spoke, she even paused and eyed him mocki
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The line connected, but neither one spoke. Finally, Max broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper."I lost."A deep sigh came from the other end. "I don't blame you, Max. Your personality... it's exactly like your father's."Max remained silent, those words stirring up memories he'd long tried to forget.The voice on the phone continued, "Now that you've admitted defeat, it's time to come back to the Norman family. You need to take up your responsibilities."Max closed his eyes, feeling the weight of those words. He'd run from this for so long, but now it seemed there was nowhere left to go. "Tomorrow," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "After I sign the divorce papers, I'll be back.""Alright," came the reply, followed by another stretch of awkward silence.Max felt a lump forming in his throat. All the pain and humiliation of the night came crashing down on him. "I'm sorry, Grandpa," he choked out, years of regret and longing in those simple words. "I know, son. I k
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A loud crash filled the air, followed by the sound of metal crunching. July's brand new car was destroyed, crushed by a sleek black SUV. The scene was total chaos.July cried out in anguish, "My car! My beautiful new car!" Tears streamed down her face as her sorrow turned into anger. "Who did this?!" she screamed, her voice filled with emotion. "Who had the nerve to destroy my car?!"Greg, standing next to her, was just as furious. His face was red with anger as he shouted, "Whoever you are, come out now! I'll make sure you pay for this!" He put his arm around July, trying to comfort her while he was still angry.Inside, Greg was mad for another reason. 'I spent so much money on that car,' he thought bitterly. 'All that money, gone in a second.'Fueled by his anger, Greg stormed towards the SUV, ready to pull the driver out if he had to. But as he reached for the door handle, it opened by itself.Greg stumbled back, surprised, as a beautiful woman stepped out of the vehicle. She was s
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Alexa's eyes narrowed as she approached July, her stilettos clicking menacingly on the pavement. "Oh, honey," she drawled, her voice dripping with condescension. "Are you really trying to play with fire? You'll only burn yourself, and trust me, you can't afford any more damage to that face." “Let’s see who will hide her face after my post. If you beg me, then I can give it a thought,” she smirked and moved her feet in front of her so that she could beg easily for mercy. Alexa was controlling her anger till now because of Max, but now she realizes that she don’t deserve any respect. She let out a derisive snort. "I mean, seriously? Challenging me? It's like watching a chihuahua try to take on a wolf. Adorable, but ultimately stupid just like you." July's eyes flashed with anger. "I'm not stupid, Alexa. And Max? He's nothing special. That's why I'm leaving him. You're welcome to my leftovers." Alexa's gaze flicked to Max, a triumphant smirk spreading across her face. "Thank goodn
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Max stood in his grandfather's study, his heart pounding. The old man sat behind a massive oak desk, his steely gaze fixed on his grandson."Max," his grandfather began, his voice gruff, "it's time we discussed your future. We've secured a marriage contract with the Hunters. You'll wed their daughter next spring." Max's breath caught in his throat. "What? Grandfather, I can't—" "This isn't up for debate," the old man cut him off. "This union will strengthen both our families. It's been decided." "But I don't love Alexa," Max protested, his voice rising. "I'm in love with someone else. Someone real." His grandfather's eyes narrowed. "Real love? Don't be naive, boy. Love comes with time and mutual respect. This marriage is about duty, about family." "I won't do it," Max said, his jaw set. "I won't marry someone I don't love." The old man's face darkened. "If you go against my decision, you'll be banished from this family. Cut off completely. Is that what you want?" Max too
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"I'm not here to work," Max said, his voice steady despite his rage. "I'm here to quit."The boss's face twisted into a sneer, his beady eyes narrowing. "Oh really?" he mocked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "And how do you plan to make a living without this job, Mr. High-and-Mighty? Did you suddenly win the lottery?"Max took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "That's none of your concern. I'm moving on to better things."The boss let out a harsh laugh. "Better things? You?" He turned to the other employees. "Did you hear that, folks? Our Max here thinks he's too good for us now!"The other workers shifted uncomfortably, unsure whether to laugh along with the boss or support Max. A few nervous chuckles echoed through the bar.The boss stepped closer to Max, his breath hot on Max's face. "Listen here, you ungrateful little punk. You were nothing when you came here. I gave you a chance when no one else would. And this is how you repay me?"Max stood his ground, refusing
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Alexa's words stunned everyone at first but in a couple of seconds, they burst into mocking laughter.The boss laughed heartily, shaking his head at Alexa. "Pretty girl, you look beautiful, but you seem to have a few screws loose up there," he said, appreciating her beauty while flirting with her in a way that was far from subtle. Beside Alexa, Max's brows wrinkled and he looked displeased but didn't intervene knowing she had it all under control.The boss continued to taunt, "You shouldn't spend too much time with a loser like Max. Otherwise, you'll begin to have some serious delusions. You really think my bar would go bankrupt just because of a phone call of yours? That’s absurd. Your showoff act is getting on my nerves."He was pretty confident as he strutted around in front of them. But Alexa was rather calm and unfeeling, merely gazing at him coldly."Don't be so quick to laugh," she replied. "Who knows what might happen by the time five minutes are up?""What will happen is you
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