July was stunned for a couple of seconds.

But she quickly regained her composure, and her face contorted with anger. “What are you talking about?” She barked. “Why do you want a divorce?”

Max stared at her angry face silently but soon lowered his head, unable to look at her the same way as before. He tried to keep his voice monotone as he responded, “I watched the award ceremony.”

July frowned and was about to retort, but a second later, she seemed to realize something, and her face blanched.

“What.. what...?” She subconsciously blurted out.

Max looked up at her and calmly said, “I saw you hug and kiss Greg on the stage.”

She looked ashen but she quickly collected herself.

“And so what?” She glared coldly and shrugged. “It’s nothing. Just some publicity stunt.”

“Publicity stunt?” Max felt ridiculous. “You kissed another man on stage, and you say it’s just publicity?”

"Of course it was!" July threw her hands up in exasperation. "God, Max, how naive are you? It's not a big problem.”

He responded, “Of course, it’s a problem. You are my wife! How can you do something like that on National TV just to get popular?”

She rolled her eyes and gave a mock laugh, “It's all part of the game.A little gossip, a little scandal – it's what keeps people talking. It makes me more popular, gets me more roles. It's just business."

Max shook his head, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "Just business. Of course. And I suppose our marriage is just business too?"

"Don't be so dramatic," July scoffed. "If you were actually helpful to my career, maybe I wouldn't have to do these things. If you were a wealthy man, a producer, a director – hell, even a successful actor – I wouldn't have to kiss guys like Greg on stage. But you're not, are you? You're just a bartender."

The words hit Max like a physical blow, but he refused to let July see how much they hurt. Instead, he took a deep breath, steadying himself.

"I may be 'just a bartender,'" he said, his voice low and controlled, "but I've given everything to you, July. Everything."

July rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed. "Oh, please. What exactly have you given me, Max? A tiny apartment and moral support? That doesn't get you far in Hollywood."

Max felt his anger rising, threatening to overwhelm his composure. "I spent every penny I had to secure your audition opportunity. I worked double shifts, I sold my car, I even borrowed money from friends. All so you could have your shot at stardom."

For a moment, July seemed taken aback. But then her expression hardened once more. "And? That's what a husband is supposed to do. Support his wife. It's not like you did anything extraordinary."

Max stared at her, disbelief etched on his face. "Not extraordinary? July, I gave up my own dreams for you. I put my life on hold so you could pursue your career."

July rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh, please. You're just making excuses for your own incompetence. A few thousand dollars? That's nothing in this industry."

She smirked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Should I give you a round of applause for doing the bare minimum?"

Max flinched at her words, but before he could respond, July continued her tirade.

"You know what's really pathetic, Max? The fact that you thought your little bartending gig and pocket change could support a rising star like me." She gestured to herself with a flourish. "This level of talent requires real investment, not your pennies and dimes."

"July, I-" Max started, but she cut him off.

"Save it," she snapped. "While you've been playing house husband, Greg's been introducing me to people who actually matter in this industry. People with real money and influence." She laughed coldly. "Did you really think you could keep up?"

Max felt each word like a physical blow. "I thought we were a team," he said quietly.

"A team?" July's laugh was cruel. "Oh, that's rich. You were more like a ball and chain, always holding me back with your 'moral support' and 'love.'" She made air quotes, her voice mocking. "News flash, Max: love doesn't pay the bills or land me roles."

Max was speechless.

He looked like he wanted to speak but decided against it when there was another knock on the door. He went to open it, and a familiar figure was at the door.

Familiar because he had only just seen him kissing his wife on TV a couple of hours ago.

Max instantly scowled, but the other party didn’t seem to notice his reaction and grinned, “Hey. Is this July’s place?”

Max was silent for a moment but soon composed himself and answered, “Yes. What do you want?”

Greg gave a confident laugh and responded, trying to peep in. “I’ve got something for her. Tell her to come out.”

“You can tell me what you want, and I’ll tell her.” Max’s tone was unkind, and he continued to stare at Greg sharply.

But Greg didn’t seem bothered. Instead, he looked Max over from head to toe with a disdainful expression before reaching into his pockets and bringing something out.

Meanwhile, July had also noticed something was amiss and approached to check. When she heard Greg’s voice, her face instantly turned ashen.

Greg held up a piece of red lingerie between his fingers and smirked, “She left this at my place.”

Max’s face immediately blanched at the sight of what Greg took out.

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