He was dumbfounded. But July quickly reacted, and she rushed over. “Greg... what are you doing here?”

She quickly tried to snatch the lingerie he was holding, but Greg was obviously intent on causing trouble and avoided her hand, dangling it even more conspicuously.

“Is this part of your so-called gossip?” Max’s jaw clenched as he finally found his voice. “Did you sleep with him?”

July was momentarily stunned by his question, but then she sneered, throwing her arms up in the air. “Whatever! I’m a movie star now. What exactly do you expect?”

She had clearly thrown all shame away, and Max stood there dumbfounded. He stared at her face speechlessly, suddenly finding her unfamiliar. Like the woman he knew and married was nothing but a dream.

But she was unbothered and said matter of factly, “As it is, I’m tired of you! You are nothing but a sore loser who works a bartender job, running odd jobs for other people. You clearly have no future.”

As she spoke, she even paused and eyed him mockingly, “Do you think you are a man? Look at Alyssa’s boyfriend. He got her a brand new car and refurbished her house. What exactly can you do for me?”

“July!” He couldn’t help but yell.

She yelled back. “Don’t July me! You sore loser.”

Max had never felt so furious in his life. He couldn’t believe this was the outcome of all he had poured into this marriage, and he trembled in anger.

But just then, Greg, who was initially watching the two of them silently, chuckled, “July, you should leave this sore ass. Look at him. How does someone like this deserve you?”

He entered the door fully and slammed his shoulder into Max as he strode past, looking leisurely like he owned the house. Max’s anger instantly peaked, and he stormed after him.

“Get out!” He barked. He was utterly furious now and looked like he was ready to throw some hands.

Greg, however, looked like he was seeing someone make a fool of themselves and snickered provocatively, “What? You want to beat me up? Touch me, and I’ll have my police friend arrest you.”

July had also entered and folded her arms, her gaze full of mockery. “You better don’t try it. Greg has a lot of friends in the police force who won’t hesitate to whack your ass. You deadbeat!”

Upon hearing her words, Max finally calmed down. His expression was grim as he looked at the two of them standing beside each other, that annoying red lingerie still dangling in Greg’s hand.

He clenched his fists tightly and seemed to have come to a conclusion.

“Fine. I want a divorce!” He declared. “Tomorrow morning at the Civil Bureau Department.”

He looked up at July’s face, unable to help himself from hoping she would tell him not to. But sure enough, she merely shrugged and sneered, “Of course.”

Max had nothing else to say. He merely stared at her quietly, his heart breaking into pieces. He didn’t know why he dared to hope.

And to add insult injury, Greg suddenly grabbed her by the waist and added with a dirty smile. “If you leave, I’m happy to stay and ‘comfort’ July for the night.”

Max didn’t bother to respond to his obvious provocation and instead turned to leave, stumbling out of the door. He clenched his fists tightly as he left, willing himself not to turn back even when he heard them burst into mocking laughter behind him.

He left the courtyard and stepped into the dark, empty street. The night air was chilly, but it did little to soothe the burning anger boiling inside him. He clenched and unclenched his fists severally, all the events of the night rushing into his head.

It was too much for him, and the only thing he could feel at that moment was anger and helplessness.

Finally, he stopped under a streetlamp. He leaned on the wall there, its weak light flickering from time to time as he stood there silently. No one knew how long he stood there, but after some time, he seemed to have calmed down.

He reached into his trouser pocket and brought out his phone, pressing a few digits on it. But, he hesitated for some seconds before dialing the number. The phone rang only once before it was quickly answered.

Max didn’t say anything, and the other person on the line was quiet too. So they fell into silence for a long time. He lifted his head and looked at the dark, starless sky quietly, looking like he wasn’t going to speak.

But after what felt like eternity, he slowly whispered, “I lost.”

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