The line connected, but neither one spoke. Finally, Max broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I lost."

A deep sigh came from the other end. "I don't blame you, Max. Your personality... it's exactly like your father's."

Max remained silent, those words stirring up memories he'd long tried to forget.

The voice on the phone continued, "Now that you've admitted defeat, it's time to come back to the Norman family. You need to take up your responsibilities."

Max closed his eyes, feeling the weight of those words. He'd run from this for so long, but now it seemed there was nowhere left to go.

"Tomorrow," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "After I sign the divorce papers, I'll be back."

"Alright," came the reply, followed by another stretch of awkward silence.

Max felt a lump forming in his throat. All the pain and humiliation of the night came crashing down on him. "I'm sorry, Grandpa," he choked out, years of regret and longing in those simple words.

"I know, son. I know," his grandfather replied, his voice warm with forgiveness. "We'll talk more when you're home. Get some rest now."

The next morning, Max arrived at the civil affairs department early, steeling himself for what was to come. To his surprise, July and Greg were already there, waiting with smug expressions.

"Couldn't wait to sign those papers, could you?" Max said coldly, eyeing the couple.

July's lips curled into a sneer. "You're right about that. Let's get this over with."

As they entered the civil affairs department, heads turned and whispers erupted. A young clerk at the front desk gasped audibly.

"Oh my god, you're July Winters!" she exclaimed. "I loved you in 'Midnight in Paris'!"

July smiled graciously, while Max felt himself shrinking under the scrutiny of the staff.

Another clerk leaned over, eyeing Max with barely concealed disdain. "Is this... your husband?" she asked July, her tone suggesting she couldn't quite believe it.

Before July could respond, Greg stepped forward, puffing out his chest. "Not for much longer," he said smugly. "I'm Greg Hartley, of the Hartley Media Group. July and I are here to... rectify a mistake."

The clerks' eyes widened at the name drop. Greg leaned in conspiratorially. "We'd appreciate your discretion in this matter. Wouldn't want this getting out to the press, you understand?"

The first clerk nodded eagerly. "Of course, Mr. Hartley! We completely understand."

She turned to July, her voice dripping with sympathy. "You poor thing, having to put up with... well." She glanced at Max. "You're doing the right thing, honey. You deserve a real man, someone from your world."

Greg chuckled, placing a possessive hand on July's waist. "Don't be too hard on him, darling. Not everyone can be born with looks, talent, and money."

As they exited the office, the clerks gathered around, cooing over July and Greg.

"You two make such a gorgeous couple!" one gushed. "The new power couple of Hollywood, I'm sure!"

Another clerk nodded enthusiastically. "Much better than..." she trailed off, eyeing Max with pity. "Well, you know. You deserve each other!"

Max clenched his fists but remained silent as they were ushered into an office. The next thirty minutes passed in a blur of paperwork and thinly veiled insults.

"You know, Max," July said as she signed the last document, "I should thank you. Dating you showed me exactly what I don't want in a man. Ambitionless, broke, and... well, let's just say unremarkable in every way."

Greg laughed. "Come on, July. Don't be so hard on the guy. I'm sure he's got... some redeeming qualities. They're just, you know, really well hidden."

Max gritted his teeth, forcing himself to remain calm as they exited the building. Outside, July's smug smile grew even wider.

"Thanks for agreeing to the divorce, Max," she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "If I'd stayed with you, I never would have become a movie star or been able to afford such a nice car."

She gestured proudly to a gleaming red Ferrari parked nearby.

Greg whistled appreciatively. "Now that's a car befitting a star. Unlike that rust bucket you drive, eh Max? Oh wait, you don't even have a car, do you?"

July laughed, and the sound grated on Max's ears. "Oh Greg, be nice. I'm sure Max could afford a car... if he saved up for, what, ten years? Twenty?"

"You're right, I'm being unfair," Greg said with fake sincerity, trying to control the situation. "I'm sure the tips are great at that dive bar. Hey Max, maybe if you work really hard, one day you'll be able to afford to be a valet for cars like this."

Max snorted and shook his head. "You know, July, I always knew you were shortsighted, but I didn't realize you were completely blind too. Blinded by money and shiny things, that is. I'm just glad that I divorced you."

July's face turned red with anger, and she jabbed a finger at his chest, her words dripping with venom. "You think I'm blinded by money? No, I just finally opened my eyes to what a loser you really are. You'll always be nothing, Max. Nothing but a small-time bartender with big dreams. At least I had the sense to get out while I could."

Max opened his mouth to respond, his hands shaking with anger. But before he could say anything, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly, there was a loud screeching noise. Max looked up, shocked. A big SUV was speeding down the street, heading right for July's new car.

July's smug smile turned into a look of horror, while Greg stood frozen, his mouth wide open.

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