A loud crash filled the air, followed by the sound of metal crunching. July's brand new car was destroyed, crushed by a sleek black SUV. The scene was total chaos.

July cried out in anguish, "My car! My beautiful new car!" Tears streamed down her face as her sorrow turned into anger. "Who did this?!" she screamed, her voice filled with emotion. "Who had the nerve to destroy my car?!"

Greg, standing next to her, was just as furious. His face was red with anger as he shouted, "Whoever you are, come out now! I'll make sure you pay for this!" He put his arm around July, trying to comfort her while he was still angry.

Inside, Greg was mad for another reason. 'I spent so much money on that car,' he thought bitterly. 'All that money, gone in a second.'

Fueled by his anger, Greg stormed towards the SUV, ready to pull the driver out if he had to. But as he reached for the door handle, it opened by itself.

Greg stumbled back, surprised, as a beautiful woman stepped out of the vehicle. She was so unexpected and captivating that his anger disappeared for a moment.

Blinking, Greg quickly changed his attitude. His fury melted away, replaced by a smooth charm. "It's... just an accident," he stammered, trying to pull himself together. "These things happen, right?"

Standing tall, Greg gave his best smile. "I'm Greg, by the way," he said, holding out his hand. "You might know me - I'm the lead in that big movie everyone's talking about. The most popular actor right now, some might say."

Alexa Hunter, the beautiful woman, just looked at Greg with disgust. "An actor like you? Please. You're nothing but a pretty face reading lines. I've seen more talent in school plays."

She rolled her eyes and walked away, ignoring him completely.

But Greg, being persistent, kept talking, trying to impress her. "So, uh, have you seen my latest movie? It's breaking all the records..." His voice trailed off as Alexa walked past him.

July watched this and got even angrier. "Greg!" she yelled. "What are you doing? She just destroyed my car and you're flirting with her?"

She snorted angrily, feeling jealous and worried about losing her ticket to wealth.

Greg turned back, looking embarrassed. "What? No, I wasn't... I was just trying to handle the situation..."

"Handle it? By drooling over her?" July snapped. "She's not even that pretty! And she ruined my car!" July felt a pang of jealousy, comparing herself to the stunning woman.

Greg tried to change his tune. "You're right, you're right. She's terrible. How dare she crash into your beautiful car? We should call the police!"

Alexa finally spoke. She looked at the smashed Ferrari and laughed. "Call this a car? It looks more like a crushed soda can now."

July gasped in shock, feeling insulted and furious. She opened her mouth to threaten Alexa, but before she could speak, Alexa tossed a small card at July.

"Here, talk to my lawyer about money for your toy car. Maybe next time, buy something that doesn't fall apart so easily."

When they saw the card, they realized she was a rich CEO of the country. July and Greg were shocked and gulped, realizing they couldn't afford to offend her.

Greg leaned in close to July, whispering urgently, "July, hold on. Look at that card. She's Alexandra Hunter, CEO of Hunter Company. We can't mess with her."

July started to protest, but Greg cut her off, his voice low and tense.

"Listen to me," he hissed. "She could buy and sell us a hundred times over. One word from her and both our careers are over. Just... just let it go. We'll figure something out later, okay?"

July clenched her fists, clearly conflicted. Greg added, "Think about it. She can easily pay for your car. But if we push her, we might lose everything. It's not worth it."

July nodded, though her eyes still blazed with anger. Greg breathed a sigh of relief, hoping they no disaster would be created.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Alexa walked straight to Max. Her face lit up with a genuine smile.

"Max!" she exclaimed, "I finally found you!" She hugged him tightly, clearly happy to see him. "I've been looking all over for you," she said softly.

Everyone's jaws dropped. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

July's face turned red with fury. She pointed at Max and Alexa, her voice shrill with anger.She couldn’t her anger anymore.

"You!" she yelled at Max. "So this is what you've been up to? Became a gigolo, did you? And now you dare to bring your sugar mommy here to crash my car?"

Max tried to speak, but July cut him off.

"Don't even try to explain! I can't believe how low you've sunk. I was right to leave you!" She laughed bitterly. "Look at you now, clinging to some rich woman. You always were worthless, with your low self-esteem. I guess being someone's boy toy is all you're good for!"

She pulled out her phone, waving it threateningly. "I'm going to post all about this on social media. Everyone will know what a pathetic loser you are, Max. You and your sugar mommy will be the laughing stock of the city!"

July's words were cruel and mocking. "Remember how you used to mope around, thinking you weren't good enough? Well, congratulations! You've proved it. You're nothing but a worthless gold-digger now."

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