Streaks of sunlight peeked into the room Alexa was in, and she stirred awake due to the intensity. At first, she lay there not knowing where she was, but a few seconds later, she recalled where she had gone the night before and sat up abruptly.

Due to the sudden movement, her head swayed and ached as though everything inside had been overturned.

“Great! A nasty hangover so early in the morning,” she cursed under her breath.

She vaguely remembered betting with that vulgar old man to have a few drinks in exchange for getting his help with the company. Usually, she wouldn’t be so accommodating or dumb enough to think he didn’t have ulterior motives, but even though she knew of his hidden thoughts, the company’s situation was too dire for her not to take the risk.

Thinking of that, then... how did she get here? The place didn’t look like a hotel, and strangely, the designs felt familiar. She slowly rolled out of bed, checking herself. Somehow, she had been changed into a pair of casual pa
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