Chapter 241

“Never! I would never accept defeat!” Salmone roared as he stood up staring at Michael with a fierce gaze.

“You already lost old guy so give it up already,” Ciara snapped at him angrily, there was no point in him fighting when Michael had met up with his terms and they turned out victorious.

“How did you block it? There’s no way anyone can actually escape from its wrath or even block it.” Salmone tells Michael with wide eyes as he stares at him.

“You’re weak and your moves are like that of a weakling, don’t think you can take me down with that.” Michael rolled his eyes staring at Salmone who moved away from him.

“There’s no way I would accept such!” With that he jumped into the air again, attempting to kick Michael again, this time he was handed so much force that when Michael grabbed his leg there was a loud sound sending the earth he was standing on cracking but Michael remained intact. Seeing that Michael wasn’t budging he increased the intensity of his attack but to no avail.

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