Chapter 294

“Someone like you has no right requesting a duel from someone as great as my father so scram!” Victor glatwfbat Charmes as he continued to rant on as the others with him nodded in agreement.

Charles ignored them and made his way to the fighting ring ready to teach Tate a lesson.

“Unlike you losers, I can take care of this pathetic loser.” He pouted at state causing him to get even more annoyed that he had said something like that to him.

“Has he gone insane or what? How dare he talk to the master that way, I know the master would put him in his place as it should be”.

Some stared at Charles in pity knowing what was coming for him. “Is he joking about this or what?”

“Does this look like a joke to you? This is serious and the outcome is pretty obvious already, this is more like a child and adult fight, of course, the adult would win”

“I have no idea what could make him think of doing such a thing, it’s a rascal move.”

“Anyway this would keep us entertained for what is to happen soon,
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