Chapter 295

“Give me your very best kid, go as hard as you want but you can’t take me down.” He continued to laugh as though he was insane.

Charles on tje other hand was trembling in fear as ji mond wasn’t calm, he was constantly on edge and doubting warrior not he was able to beat this man.

“What are you waiting for? Don’t you want to have any fun?” Tate laughed staring at him as he sped towards him pointing his sword at him, Xbarlws was on edge as panic arose in him while staring at Tate, his legs were fixated in a spot making no hard for him to move, just them Tate unleashed his signatory mobe.

“Just at the right time, head surely going to regret ever asking the master for a duel.”

“There’s no way this move can actually be overcome except he’s of a higher dank but that’s I doubt that’s possible here, tje lis chose the wrong opponent to fignt with.”

“This is really going to be a spectacular fight.” Another commented.

Just then Tate’s sword multiplied along with himself causing the audience to
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