Chapter 0014 Closing Hour

It was closing time, and Noah was the first to slam his palm onto Alex’s desk. A bizarre, almost triumphant smirk spread across his face. “I’ll be waiting for you at the same place where you got beaten to a pulp last time.”

Alex’s response was a calm smirk of his own. He didn’t rise to Noah’s taunt. Inside, he felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing it was time for Noah to face a serious lesson.

“Shall we?” Anastasia said to Alex, her voice filled with resolve. They walked out of the classroom hand-in-hand, their unity evident. As they exited the school grounds, they saw Noah waiting for them, his posture radiating arrogance.

Noah’s followers were strategically placed, blocking Alex’s path as he approached. Alex could see his prediction unfolding; as he walked past one of Noah’s followers, they moved to block him, pushing him forward, effectively sealing off any chance of escape.

“But who’s trying to escape?” Alex thought to himself. He wasn’t scared; instead, he felt a thrill of antici
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