Chapter 0032 Anastasia Received a Call

Hearing Anastasia’s words, Juliet shot up from her seat. There was no way she was going to stand by while Anastasia disrespected her man. If Anastasia wanted to play dirty, she was ready to take it a step further.

“Oh, so you think your family’s all pure and perfect? Why don’t you tell everyone how Grandma and Grandpa built the Stewart Empire? They didn’t do it by hard work; they did it by stealing—siphoning funds, to be exact!” Juliet’s voice was sharp, echoing through the room as the bombshell hit.

Everyone froze, their shock evident. Emmanuella’s eyes widened, and even Anastasia, who was rarely caught off guard, stood still as if she had been slapped in the face. Her heart raced as she processed what she had just heard. Her entire life, she had believed in the integrity of the Stewart family. Her grandparents, especially, were always seen as hardworking, respected figures. The idea that they stole money?

“Liar!” Anastasia’s voice cracked with anger, her fists clenched. “You’ll say
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