162. Rival

They returned home, and Mr. Zhang resumed his rest. Glenn was able to talk to Victor on the phone, albeit in whispers. It seemed there were no bugs in the room, so Glenn could converse somewhat freely.

Victor mentioned he had been in Yuhan since yesterday evening and had contacted Wanwan, a private agent who also doubled as a spy. Wanwan’s work was clean and reliable, as long as she was paid a fair price. So, Glenn didn’t need to worry about information leaking from Wanwan.

“Where did you meet Wanwan?” Glenn asked, diverging from the conversation for some reason.

“She was a friend from the orphanage, back in the day.”

Glenn didn’t want to delve into Victor’s painful past, so he started listening to Victor's information. Clearly, Victor wanted Glenn to find a reason to leave Mr. Zhang’s residence to search for the laboratory with Victor.

“I can’t do it alone, Glenn,” Victor said.

“Yeah, it’ll be difficult for me to find a reason to leave. Plus, I’ll definitely be watched by Mr. Zhang’s
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