163. Partnership

Glenn and Sean, accompanied by two of Mr. Zhang's men, headed to a dim sum restaurant in the city. The map sent by Dao led them to a bustling area with no fancy restaurants in sight.

Mr. Zhang's men parked the car near the entrance to an alley leading to the restaurant, waiting there. Unfortunately, it was a cul-de-sac, making it tricky for Sean to leave unnoticed by Mr. Zhang's men.

"You go meet Mr. Dao, I'll find a way to slip out and meet Victor," Sean said.

Glenn agreed. "Be careful, Sean. Make sure to stay in touch with Victor."

"Sure. And you too, be careful."

They parted ways in the middle of the crowded alley. Glenn continued towards the restaurant while Sean searched for another way out. Suddenly, Sean saw a scarf vendor next to fruit and spice sellers. He quickly approached the vendor, bought the brightest scarf, and wrapped it around his head.

Sean hurried out of the alley, successfully avoiding Mr. Zhang's men. He checked his phone, seeing Victor's location not too far a
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