164. Slapped

Glenn’s assumption was correct. After waiting for more than two hours, Sean spotted Mr. Zhang’s car stopping at a traffic light at an intersection where they were waiting nearby. Sean quickly tapped Victor’s shoulder and pointed at Mr. Zhang’s car.

“There they are!” Sean exclaimed.

“It’s about time.”

Victor followed from a safe distance, blending in with the surrounding traffic to avoid suspicion. However, as they continued onto a more rural, hilly road, the number of cars dwindled. Mr. Zhang's car turned onto a smaller asphalt road, only wide enough for one car. Victor pulled over, sensing that following further might trap them if they were discovered.

“We're getting out,” Victor decided.

“And then what?” Sean asked.

“We walk.”

Sean didn’t protest. They got out of the car, crossed the road, and moved through the underbrush, staying close enough to the road to keep Mr. Zhang’s car in sight. They followed this path for over a kilometer until they reached a walled compound. The lab was
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